If you are going to dream, dream yourself into your perfect life. If you are going to dream, dream yourself to a place where you are empowered and courageous. If you are going to dream make it your own dream, the one where you are the hero and you win the prize. If you are going to dream why not dream bigger and better and why not dream yourself into the best version of who you already are? I have been dreaming again and when I dream I guess I get a little melancholy. The last dream I had was one I have had at various times of my life, back to when I was a little kid. I dreamt that people were chasing me and those people almost always represented a scary monster and a threat to my life. I would sometimes run and other times I would run and suddenly I would have the power to lift up my body and begin to float in the air. I would then be terrified that a tone point or another I would end up crashing down only to be caught by whatever represented...