
Showing posts from July, 2013


If you are going to dream,  dream yourself into your perfect life.  If you are going to dream, dream yourself to a place where you are empowered and courageous.  If you are going to dream make it your own dream, the one where you are the hero and you win the prize.  If you are going to dream why not dream bigger and better and why not dream yourself into the best version of who you already are? I have been dreaming again and when I dream I guess I get a little melancholy.  The last dream I had was one I have had at various times of my life, back to when I was a little kid.  I dreamt that people were chasing me and those people almost always represented a scary monster and a threat to my life. I would sometimes run and other times I would run and suddenly I would have the power to lift up my body and begin to float in the air.  I would then be terrified that a tone point or another I would end up crashing down only to be caught by whatever represented...

Your Calling

Often times we hear from others that they are looking for their calling.  They are unsure of what that calling is or they are very sure of it.  There seems to be an either clear knowing or an unclear not knowing related to what they are being asked to do that is meaningful or that comprises their call to action. We know our calling when we are sure.  We don't have a doubt about it because we know it.  When we are asked to be of service we just know it intuitively and we know it without question.  I felt that way when I was recently in California.  I knew beyond any doubt that I was being asked to return to California and do missionary work at OHI.  It felt like a surge of peace and that was my clue that this was the decision that was made for me not one that I made for myself.  When we are sure of what we need to do we hear a clear message that is like a bell has gone off inside o us.  We see it so vividly that we have no question in our mi...

Dance Alone

I am sure that most of us have heard that one saying that ends with "dance like there is no one watching".  Well, I have a new take on that one and I say "dance alone and don't worry that anyone is watching.  In fact dance so vividly that everyone starts watching and maybe even join in on the dance.  Doing things alone can be a lot of fun and waiting around will likely not result in as many dances and as many adventures. When I was single I remember spending many nights alone thinking about what it would be like to have someone to go to dinner with or to catch an afternoon movie with.  After a few months of that I realised how unlikely it was that someone would come to the door and ask me to accompany them to on a bus ride downtown least of all a nice restaurant to eat.  It was then when I got my ass up and decided to try a new Italian place down the street.  I sat at the bar, ordered a meal and chatted with the bar tender at a place called Francesca in C...

We Creat Energy

We all are capable beings who are made up of a powerful and constant energy force.  The only problem is that we don't believe it or at least most of us are non-believers.  We think ourselves into a corner every time we engage ourselves in negative vibrations and thoughts.  We can also paint ourselves into a state of love if we decide this to be the energetic focus.  Every time we have a thought and every time we act on a thought we are using our energy whether it is light or dark, sad or happy, high or low.  This is why it is so important to maintain an energy that is serving us and serving others in ways, a productive energy. My own past is one that in part was abusive and sad.  I remember times when I was a very small child and I would be so angry and abandoned that I would break my own toys.  That is when and where I started to create my own brand of energy that would propel me downward.  For much of my childhood I only knew how to creat nega...

Life's 3 Commitments

I have been inspired by a book I am reading: "Living Beautifully" by Pema Chodron.  It is about how to live life more fluidly in spite of the uncertainty and change.  It is about how life is going to deal us whatever it deals us and that we can live it in spite of the cards we are dealt or what comes up because it is a part of living. The three life commitments: 1. Doing our best to not cause harm with our words, our actions or thoughts. 2. Helping others and serving mankind. 3. To embrace the world just as it is without bias. A commitment not to see things as good or bad but rather as a means to awaken and learn. I wonder whether this Buddhist belief system would not be one we could all benefit from even those of us who are not Buddhist.  I makes me think about what it may be like to live so consciously and tailor our words and deeds so that hey would be loving and kind and not say or do things that are mean spirited.  So many people that I have met are trans...