Your Calling

Often times we hear from others that they are looking for their calling.  They are unsure of what that calling is or they are very sure of it.  There seems to be an either clear knowing or an unclear not knowing related to what they are being asked to do that is meaningful or that comprises their call to action.

We know our calling when we are sure.  We don't have a doubt about it because we know it.  When we are asked to be of service we just know it intuitively and we know it without question.  I felt that way when I was recently in California.  I knew beyond any doubt that I was being asked to return to California and do missionary work at OHI.  It felt like a surge of peace and that was my clue that this was the decision that was made for me not one that I made for myself.  When we are sure of what we need to do we hear a clear message that is like a bell has gone off inside o us.  We see it so vividly that we have no question in our mind.  We don't stay up at night thinking about it but rather we sleep like we are surrounded by angels.  We actually sleep like we have never slept before.  We don't even need to talk about it constantly or talk it through over and over again because we know it.  Every aspect of it unfolds easily and gracefully.  We don't have to force it.

On the other hand when we are unsure of our calling we stay up at night thinking about it and we need to talk about it constantly.  We talk about it so much because we are unsure as to whether we are making the right decision.  We keep replaying it in hope that it will help but replaying it does not make it clearer and in fact it feels like we are in a fog because we are forcing it.  We know that it's not our calling when we spend so much energy thinking about it that we become exhausted and even angry.  We question every aspect because it is not really our calling but rather some other reason that we are considering it.  We feel fear around the idea of making that decision because it is not aligned with our calling or our purpose.

We cannot always know for sure what we should be doing and where to place our emphasis but if we follow our intuition and are kind to ourselves we can get from not knowing our path to knowing it clearly and definitively.  We see our calling very clearly because we feel it in our being and we are listening.


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