Visualize It, Manifest It.

Let me just excuse myself from the non-believers as I know you are out there and the mere idea of believing and then achieving seems silly.  If you are one of these people, you should stop reading now and simply not waste any time because if you don't believe in yourself then you will not understand how manifestation works.  This blog is not just about believing and then getting what you believe in but more importantly how to go from the thought of being your highest self to actually being your highest self.

And so if you believe, even a little, keep going because this is about having what you want in life ether spiritually, emotionally or physically.  Here are some ways to get there:

Setting Your Intention:
The very first thing to do when you want to manifest something (joy, money, relationship) is to set your intention.  You can set your intention by speaking of what you want in a way that feels intentional.

An intention can sound like this: My intention is to become financially abundant and to serve others with my generosity.

Once you have set the intention read it daily at least four times a day.  Get that intention to stick memorizing it and by knowing it as if it were second nature.  Do this every day until you feel like you have it solidly in your mind and you start on the journey to actually manifesting it.

Creating a vision board is one of the most tangible ways to manifest your dreams, desires, wants or needs.  A vision board is not just for the things we desire but for the growth we would like to experience.  It only requires that we cut picture and words that represent what we would like to have in our life whether it is spiritual, physical, emotional or financial.  A picture of someone meditating can express our desire to become more enlightened and balanced while a picture of a home speaks to our dream to own a home.  Once completed a vision board should be displayed.  The idea behind it is that it serves as an inspiration and motivation.

Guided Meditation/Guided Silence/Guided Reflection:
There is nothing more powerful than taking the time daily to focus on your dreams and what you desire.  When we quiet all the inner voices and inner doubt we make room for our dreams to manifest.  Each time we sit in silent reflection or mediation we open up the energy to receiving what we want more of.  Practicing daily silence for a few minutes a day clears our mind of the negative self-talk and opens the door to a successfully getting what we want in our life or transforming as a human being.  When we are taking the time to be reverent and quiet we can also be thinking of what it is we want to create in our life.  It sound very simple and in fact it is.

Writing Living Visions: 
Another powerful way to get what we desire is to write about it as if it were already true and already happening.  By writing about your experience you are saying yes to the dream and actually feeling it as if you were there already.  Writing a living vision takes a little creativity and it works best when the words you use are colorful, specific and descriptive.  Living visions are narratives that speak to the deepest part of us and are powerful in manifesting the things we think about that bring us joy, serenity, peace, centering and love.  It is a word visual that talks about what we would love to have more in our life.

We must remember that for may successful, happy, balanced people it all started with a thought.  We must remember that in order to create a whole life we must be willing to dream.


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