Your Skirt Is Over Your Head

I am uncertain as to how many of my readers know what I mean about putting your skirt over your head.  All I know is that my sister once said it and I think I heard it in a movie once.  I do know that in the movie "Mermaids" Cher who played the mom had some great lines about being a woman and just having a good time with life.  In one of those what should be famous lines Cher's daughter played by Winnona Ryder says: "Don't you think yoiiu are too old for that dress?"to which Cher responds with: "Don't be silly Charlotte, a woman is never too old".  In another part there is a stunning young man waiting on their porch to welcome them to the country area where they moved and upon setting eyes on him Winnona Ryder who is Charlotte is mezmerized by him.  Cher suddenly turns around and says: "too bad your hell bent on becoming a nun".  To say that Cher truly pulls the dress over her head is really minimizing her role in this movie that I would recommend to every young lady.  She is not just funny, she depicts what many women in that era wish they could be, especially one truly uptight woman in the movie who Cher puts in her place early on.  So what does putting your skirt over your head mean?  Well let me make a man's attempt at explaining it the best I can.

Pulling your skirt over your head means that you do what makes your spirit float and not worrying about what others may think about it.  It means that you can date three guys and decide you never want to get married but rather just have a free and joyful exisitance.  Pulling your skirt over your head means that you stop worrying and caring about everyone else but yourself and that even if you are a mother of four you can still be sexy and go out dancing with friends on Saturday night.  It means that as a woman you get to do everything that men can do without worrying that someone is going to criticize you or try to make you feel badly.  For some women pulling your skirt up over your head means being sexually confident and sex positive (as my sister says) and doing what feels good to you.  It may be true that for a lot of women this just means being who they are yet for most I think it means a lot more than that.  It means they live life with some form of abadonment when it is the right thing for them to do and they free themselves of whatever and whoever attempts to hold them down.

If women were to tell their husbands that they were going to pull their skirt over their head it may not be interpreted in a way that they meant it to be.  Men must begin to understand that women have needs that are not unlike their own and needs that are unique to each woman.  Men can either support that or try to kill it off by attempting to control a woman but in the end the woman who is honored and supported will give back ten fold for a man who knows when to allow them to be themselves and in fact celebrate it.  Women who get to pull that skirt over their heads have a right that no one should attempt to deny but in fact that we as men should acknowledge as beautiful because if that is what it means to her then that is what it is.

I was married for ten years.  I married when I was only 19 and so was my wife.  We were very young and to be honest I had no clue.  She on the other hand was wiser than her years and was the single most reason for the success of the marriage for a little over ten years.  We were both thirty when I came to her with the thought of divorce sighting our differences.  She was not in agreement yet she released me because she was a fair minded person who loved me enough to to let me fly.  I flew for a long time and in the end found no one more loving than her, nor anyone who had the kind of compassion and acceptance of who I was.  In fact in a relationship with someone else I was verbally abused almost daily.  Yet I tolerated it perhaps as a pay back for leaving a woman who loved me without conditions.  She was a woman who longed to put her skirt over her head yet what I think is that for me she kept it down.  We both made that mistake because neither her nor I took that journey of abandon in order to experience life fully.  Although we remained good friends and she passed away last November of cancer I cannot ever forget the sacrafice she made for my happiness to the detriment of her own need to raise that skirt up and show those pretty pink panties.  I so hope she has raised hell in heaven.

Your skirt is your own.  You will do as you deem it and as you see it fit for you.  Yet what I will share is that I think we all need to pull that skirt up and rip that tie off so that we can simply abandon the guilt, shame, protocol that has not served us.  I say raise that skirt up and free yourself of what is holding you back and making you feel like you have to be a good girl all the time.  Not every woman needs to raise her skirt up but I would contend that many do.  The fear of revealing who you are as a woman can hold you back and the truth will set you free.  Now you decide if you would like to raise that skirt up and rip that bra off and...

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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