4 Good Reasons to Make Your Exit

Often times we ignore the signs that tell us that we should move on.  The earliest signs are the ones we must take seriously and act on because the longer we excuse a man the more likely things will get much worse.  Abuse against women is not tapering off and in fact has become much worse.  For this reason women must know the signs that tell her when to make her exit and do so expeditiously.  When women ignore the early signs about a man she is truly asking for things to become worse and is allowing herself to be clouded by superficial things like looks, sexual attraction or money.  Here are some early signals that tell you it is time to make your exit quickly:

1. He is really not that into you or too heavily into you: 
If from the start a man is either disinterested or easily distracted that is a sign that he is not into you.  If a man on the other hand behaves as though he is only interested in you and nothing else and it seems too good to be true then that is a flag that indicates there may be an issue down the road.  When a man comes on very heavily from the start and it feels uncomfortable then listen to your instincts and run fast in the other direction, making sure he is not following you.  Any extreme on either side of the scale is not a good message.  Extremes are surely a clear message that maybe something is wrong.

2.  He is passive aggressive: 
Men who are passive aggressive will make little jokes about you, your body, the way you dress or even your ethnicity.  Any passive aggressive behavior should be a matter of some concern.  When men make little comments that lead to rules that need to be adhered to that is cause for concern.  When men discuss their moms frequently and her opinion it is a passive way for them to say that they are still following her rules and that you too will need to follow them.  Passive aggressive comments are ones that are not usually direct but if you read between the lines they are reasons to be concerned.

3.  He does not do his part: 
Men who from the start do not do their part and do not offer to do their part are likely not the one you want to be with the rest of your life, maybe not even for any length of time.  Men who do not offer to help cook, wash dishes or do other manual chores are often times the same ones that will not do their part in the relationship and in a home.   If you find yourself asking for him to help out and he does not do it on his own you may consider getting out via the expressway: fast.

4.  He is already showing his true nature: 
The best way to decide if it is time to exit is to use your intuition.  Listen closely to what a man says and how he treats others.  There are almost always signs that will indicate that he is not a nice person.  Sometimes it will come forward in his seemingly controlling behavior and him wanting to make all the decisions while other times not making any decisions and leaving all the planning to you.  If you just pay attention he will show you who he really is even if in the most subtle ways.  You will know him by simply showing up fully and using what you feel as a marker that tells you that something is not quite right.  It will not take long or someone to show their true nature if you simply give them enough rope and sit back and relax.

One of the best ways to figure out if a man is your true match is to be very observant and not give up the cake before the wedding or before you commit.  Sex clouds issues and it is better if you wait to have sex with a man.  Besides, men will often times judge you for giving it up too soon, many times walking away once they figure it out.  Take your time and give yourself at least a year before you make your address his or his address yours.  Too often women and men go much too fast and if this is what he wants that is also a red flag.  Men who want to marry you or live with you in a very short period after meeting you are likely looking to find someone to take care of them.  Any man who rushes you into an intimate realtionship is probably one you need to be concerned about.  Taking your time to get to know someone and being an observer more than a talker will help you to uncover the flags that tell you to exit if in fact it is in your highest good.  Always put the love for self in the forefront of your mind and if there is an issue with self love, do not get involved with anyone.  When someone is the right person for you there will be many hints that he is the one.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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