You Are Somebody!

I consider myself an expert at almost everything that means anything.  I love to create a space and when I fall in love with the art of it, I can create an incredibly, decedent space to live in or sleep in or both.  I admit that I "dress for success" and have strong opinions of what one should wear given the occasion, even if it is going to the grocery store.  There are two times I was seen in a fur: once in a grocery store where a child asked: "do you know how many animals were killed to make your fur coat?"  I very casually turned around and said: "yes, I killed them".  His mother who was directly behind him had her mouth open in dismay to what I had said to her child.  It was in that moment when I thought about that so many times we as parents motivate our children in the wrong way.  In any case what I like most of all in life is, to eat.  And so I have a rating of my own for every place I've eaten at.  I know good ass food and have been to the Hamptons my darling readers.  And so here is the story about me.  I am a creation of God that has been blessed with impeccable taste.  Too bad I don't have all the money I would like to buy everything I want.  I do mean everything and this would be a lot, believe me.

Every single person out there reading this have talents that they did not need to go to school for.  After all one of the top designers of all time is Ralph Lauren who did not go to school to become a designer.  Each of you some gifts, natural talents that you could share with others and find worthy of sharing.  Every person in this world is blessed with some incredible talent, at least one.  I believe that if one does not realize this then there is a lot of healing to do.  We must be the first to clap for our selves and be acknowledged or praised or appreciated.  Sometimes it gets dug deep inside this dark place where we just cannot see it.  But understand that soon the light will come to make the darkness bright.  Soon the morning will come and it will be as they say: "a new day".

I love people and I truly believe that every single person is worth something.  Not just does he or she have a talent they have something for others to be enlightened by.  We are here to share that talent and only then have we been of service to others.  What we are on the earth is what matters the most, over success, money or both is that we love each other.  Yet there is one crucial step to be taken which is to love ourselves first.  Nothing, absolutely nothing can be more important.  It is the truth of who we are as human beings.  We laugh, we cry, we sing, we die.  In the meantime we are here on this earth to serve a purpose if not for many different reasons.  J

Today I want to give others a word of encouragement and that is to find yourself and to love that self that you are.  To touch your face and know that it is the most beautiful faces God has made.  We must be able to buy those flowers for ourself and to arrange them as nicely as we would for someone else but for us and for our enjoyment.  Today I want to give all of you all the love you deserve and all that you desire of love.  I want each of you to stand in the conviction that you are someone very special and right.  I want you to look in the mirror and count your blessings and your fingers and if you have more than five you are lucky.  Life is a beautiful journey and along that path there will be others who say you are not what you think, but you will be the one to know who you are, without the validation of anyone, anytime.  Today is that day my beloveds.  The day when you get what you deserve.


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