Top 10 Sexy Traits

Now that I have your attention, and I knew I would, because who passes up a blog with the word "sexy'.  Certainly not I.

This blog is about the top ten things that women find sexy so once you read it ladies, consider passing it on to a male friend.  Some of these sexy cues I knew about while others I did not.  After reading them in an article written by Melanie Curtin who is a graduate in communication and author of the book "Around the World in 80 Lays" I have decided to put my own spin on it.  Here it is:

Apparently the top 10 things women find sexy in men are:

10. Ability to lift her/carry her: Women apparently find it sexy when a man can and does lift her up and maybe even spins her around.  A nice little lift by the waist seems to be something women like.  So the next time your lady walks towards you give her a lift and while you are at it plant a nice kiss on her mouth.

9.  Open the door and give up your seat: Women like a gentleman and find him sexy.  Opening the car  door or doors when she enters a building will let her know you are a gentleman.  This is sexy to women because unlike men it is the little things that matter to them.  Being a gentlemen also means that you pull the chair out for her to be seated before you are seated.  If there are no seats in an area like a bus, offer it to a lady and note the smile of appreciation.  Inside she is likely thinking you are a very cool man.  This may seem old fashioned but believe me when I tell you, they really love it.  I know, because they have told me so.

8.  Initiate sex: It should suffice to say that women like an assertive man in the bedroom.  This of course does not mean overly aggressive but rather that you are the one to initiate some for-play.  Men who wait for their woman to initiate sex every time are asking for a dry spell.

7.  Deal with things in the home and: Women love for men to just take care of things like a broken tile or a bill dispute.  When you take care of stuff and get it out of the way for her, she will reward you and that my friend is sexy.

6.  Staying calm: If your lady loses it and you stay calm she appreciates it.  A man who can remain cool when things get a little heated or when she is feeling stressed out is a man who is going to elicit some good feelings from his lady.  Staying calm is sexy because you are demonstrating that you can hold the light for her when she needs you, that you will come through for her in times of need.  This my man is sexy.  Think about it.  It makes sense.

5.  Play with the kids: Women often share how sexy the find it when their man plays with their children, whether they are biologically their children or not, but especially when they are her children.  Loving and playing with the children elicits love from her because the children mean so much to a mom.  I am not sure but I think if you have your shirt off might help, depending on your body image.

4.  Showing emotions: Men are known for not showing their emotions and have gotten the wrong message around this myth.  Women really want us to show emotions and the fact that you don't is a sign that there is something wrong.  When men cry women are triggered to provide some nurturing and maybe even some "I am healing you sex".  I'm just saying.

3.  Caring for friends: If you have a great relationship with freinds and you help them out and say loving things about them, women take this to mean that you are a caring person.  Women are tired of men who don't have any friends and who depend solely on them for attention and love.  They like it if you have friends you care about and find those intimate love feelings sexy.

2.  Have a backbone: This one is crucial especially if you have been a mama's boy.  Defunding your woman against anyone for any reason is what women expect of men.  When men have a backbone and don't cowarded out, even if it involves their woman, it is considered that he is strong willed and will stand up for himself.  That my friend is sexy sexy and sexy!

1.  Listens: This one is easy.  Speak less and listen twice as much.  Women want to know they are heard and when you hear them they will give you what you want when the time comes.  Men tend to tune out women when they are complaining but men who are smart will listen and affirm her feelings saying things like: "I hear you my love, I get it".  Down the road you will reap the benefits of being a good listener and the rewards are ten fold.

There you have it.  I will add one more thing which is your appearance.  If you dress in clohting that fits you and accents your body, women love it!  Find the right style for you and make sure that you have some basics: white shirts, new jeans, slip on shoes, a blazer and one navy blue suit.  Mix and match the basics and you will always look good and appeal to women.  I will never understand men who refuse to comply with a dress code for women.  It is just plain dumb.


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