Not That Into You

When he calls you at midnight for a buttie call he's not that into you.  When a man does not take you out on dates he's definately not that into you.  If he does not ask you questions he is not that interested in you.  If a guy does not cuddle or hug with you then he is really not that attached to you. And when a man does not bother to call you day after day after day, he is truly not that interested.  If these are not enough clues my guess is that you have some signs of your own.

Lets' review:

Buttie calls: 
Men who are not that into you will all you late at night hoping to catch you at that right moment when you might agree to a little one on one unplanned good times.  Usually men who make these late night calls may have gone out and not found what they wanted or were rejected by the women they made advances to.  You may think that you are doing your thing and having fun but in the end this type of connection (I call them encounters) will eventually weigh on you and make you feel cheap.  Men who call women at these last hours don't respect them and assume they will have their cake and eat it too.

No dates: 
When a man does not take you out on official dates whereby he picks you up, takes you out and may even include a paid dinner and a flower, they are truly not interested in a long term situation with you.  They will avoid going on dates with you even if it means making up stories about how busy they are during the day and early evenings.  These are the guys that say they are working until 10pm and only have time late at night.  Almost no one is that busy and if he is you may still want to think about running.  If someone cannot make time for you then you are simply not important to them.  They are not only not pursuing you, they are really just going hunting.  You would be the lioness they hunted down at 2am.

No questions-no interest: 
When men don't ask you questions that show their interest in you then they aren't interested.  Men who do not ask any questions except if you are in the mood for sex are not into you, they are into having sex with some woman who is willing to do that.  When someone, anyone, is interested in us they naturally ask questions about what is important to you.   When they don't then it is a sign that they are just not that into you, period.

No hugs and no cuddles: 
Men often interpret cuddling as a chore or they view it as too personal, too emotionally intimate.  Men who are unwilling to hug you or cuddle with you don't want you around for too long.  They are making sure that you pick up the clue phone that says: "I don't want to get too close to you".  And, oh yes,  I am not that interested.

They don't call: 
A man only calls a woman when he is interested in her.  If after you have had a sexy date he does not call you then he is not interested in you, your mom, your family or your dog.  Men don't call women because they are direct in saying to them that they are not interested.  This is really just about someone being attentive and when a man is not attentive does not call to check in with you for days it is a very direct, sad, precise, direct message that: oops they are not that interested in you.  Pick that clue phone up.

We know the signs when someone is not into us.  Women are especially good at intuition and should always listen to it.  If a man seems not quite right he is likely not.  If a man is not being attentive and available then he is likely not the one for you.  All of what you think about someone in the first few dates is important.  If what you are reading in a man seems like it is not right for you then it is not.  Among the clues I have shared with you there are many others.  Being attentive and listening to the weary a man speaks of everything in life will hope you to make a good decision and to avoid him "not Bing that into you".


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