How Silence Heals Us

in silence we are able to reset ourselves in a way that nothing else will reset us.  Silence is the only way to dig inside of ourselves and find the answers to our questions and concerns about what to do and what is in our best interest.  The constant chatter in our heads is not where we will find our way back to where we want to be: peaceful and centered.  Silence heals us because it is in silence that we are asking ourselves not to hide our feelings but to feel them.  When we feel the feelings we take the path to healing from what ails us.  Only in the quite moments that we intentionally take the time to experience will we hear the answers from source to the many questions we have and to the many hurts we may encounter inside what we call life.

When we take 15-20 minutes to become silent we are taking a break from the chatter that clouds our head and blocks our energy.  Taking the time to be silent and for example taking a walk helps us to reset our hearts and minds.  We don't often take this time to quiet the voices and take a break from distractions like TV or texting or surfing on the Internet.  We are so busy with work, children, spouses, chores and in a constant state of doing that we fail to carve out the time we need to clear our minds.  Staying busy is only a way to deny that there is something inside of us that needs to be healed and in the long run it does not work.  Staying busy is a way to avoid our feelings rather than to reveal those feelings and heal them through silence and reflection.  Many people are afraid of silence because it means that they will be left with their feelings and so they go from one thing to another, even working overtime to avoid their feelings or their poor relationship with their spouse.  Silence takes away the cobwebs that keep us from making good decisions and healing from our past.

Silence and nature combined create a healing experience.  Taking the time to go outdoors and sit or lay on the grass, touch the trees, smell the flowers and take in nature is sure to calm us.  The combination of nature and silence is powerful and the more remote and safe place you can go to the better.  Nature is a healing agent for many of us and it can be utilized when we are depleted and needing to be nourished.  I know that it may sound silly but there are people who say that hugging a tree is helpful in raising their vibration.  I think it is worth a try because a tree has life and roots and it's own energy.  Certainly the scents of the outdoors can be refreshing and stimulating for our spirit and our own personal energy.  Everything we need is in nature and let us be reminded that it is the green plants of the earth that provide us with oxygen.  Everything that surrounds us: birds, plants, air, clouds, sky and stars has a meaning if we open our minds to it.  To take time to be silent and outdoors is to say yes to the most loving of vibrations we have access to.  The beauty is that it is free.

I personally find music very healing and sometimes lay on my back on the carpet and just listen to soft meditation music.  Music has a beat and a feeling within that beat that seems to help access our inner peace.  Some music will help us to emote and when we cry it is a healing.  Allowing music to be the only thing that speaks to us helps us to spend more time in silence and the time goes faster.  For me there is really nothing more lovely than music of all types.  I love the way it helps me to feel more joy and even when it elicits tears.  Sometimes we need the beautiful sounds of a piano or a violin to help us remove the excessive stress inside of us, taking the time to simply listen.  There is an entire profession evolving around music therapy so I am not the inventor of the fact that music brings us to life.

Sit in silence.  Force yourself to sit and be still.  Do this every day for 21 days and see how you feel afterwards.  Turn off any negative thoughts, people, things, addictions from your life.  Make a commitment to healing through reverence and silence.  Listen to the sounds of nature and only add music without lyrics that is soothing to the heart and spirit.  I will promise you today that after 21 days you will want more than ever to become silent on an ongoing basis knowing the healing properties of silence.

I want to invite those of you who are going to try the 21 day silence each day challenge to let me know what happened in your life as a result of being silent daily.  I send you all light and love.
Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


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