How To Make Perfect Lemonade

Now that I have your attention let me be honest and say that this is not about literally making perfect lemonade but rather making lemonade out of life's lemons.  This evening I know only too well how it feels because as I rushed to shave, get dressed nicely, put on my Chanel Bleu, I found that my car was leaking some red liquid.  Then when I went to look under the car my iPhone 4 crashed to the ground and cracked nicely.  Thank God I did not upgrade to the 6 right?  And so my lovely plan to go to hear Angel Melendez and his orchestra play some hot salsa has been foiled.  All the rushing around resulted in Sprit sending me the message: "you my beloved are not going anywhere in that kind of a rush".

One of the things that comes to my mind when things like this happen is that they are happening for a reason.  It may not be the right timing to do something we wanted to do or we are being delayed so that we do not experience some dangerous situation or one that will be unpleasant in some way.  It is a sure sign to me that I need to slow my ass down and that even though "shit happens" I can make lemonade (sometimes a perfect lemonade) out of the lemons I am being hit over the head with.  It makes me wonder what one does when people throw tomatoes at you.  Oh yes, make a spaghetti sauce!  Life is going to throw some lemons at us and the only thing we need to do is to stop, breath, silence the outer and inner voices and rock on.

So what will I do with my lemons?  Well, I have already changed from my crisp blue button down, new Penquin tie and kakis to my Tommy Bahamas floral shirt and white shorts.  I have decided that the ice dream shop near me is calling my name so I will ride my bike over there and sit outside with the rest of the crew in my development and eat my way to happiness.  After all I love ice cream almost as much as I love salsa.  I will then come back home, change into my workout clothes and go do a 45 minute workout.  After that I will make myself a nice dinner and select a movie on Netflix.  What I have decided is that I will do as many pleasant things as possible and allow myself to simply relax and accept this time as a time to chill and enjoy my deck tonight.  I can even try my home made mosquito repellent made of basil oil-leaves, vodka and water.  And of course the best part of all is the hurricane candlelight and the white solar laterns under the sun umbrella.  Yeah, that's my plan and I am sticking to it.

So how can one make perfect lemonade out of lemons?  First of all breathe and breathe deeply.  If you have to lay down than do that.  Decide that this is not the worse thing that can happen and remember that you have overcome bigger things.  Silence everything around you and think about what you would like to do that you enjoy: a walk, a bike ride, a bath, a movie on TV.  Start with one activity at a time and don't worry about anything else but the very moment and the now.  Step into the plan of action for your enjoyment and stick to it, one step at a time, taking little steps if need be.  Do not project into the future but rather enjoy the each moment by moment.  The one thing to remember is that we just cannot control everything and that as long as this is true we may as well make the best of the times when stuff presents itself to us.

The next time life serves you lemons here are some ideas of what you can do:
Go for a walk or bike ride
Prepare a nice meal
Watch a happy movie: a comedy preferably
Do one thing at a time and take your time
Live in the present moment fully and without expectations or projections
Color or do an art project that will help you to escape mentally
Read something positive
Make a list of the things and people you are grateful for
Listen to music and sing
Dance around the house
Do whatever brings you relief and joy.  The sky is your limit.  
Elliott Maximo Collazo 


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