Manson, Jim Jones, Serial Killers and Men of Color

Some of us are not aware of the fact that most serial killers are white and about 30-35 years old, usually male.  For those people running from people of color it may be a fact they might consider the next time they decide to run, especially because they are running from the wrong people.  As a man of color with friends of all colors and backgrounds I like to share this bit of information if not just for clarity.  This way people know who to run from first.

For those of you who are not aware of who Charles Manson was, he was likely one of the most cold blooded people on the planet who convinced others that he was the second coming of Christ.  Those followers were mostly females and mostly if not exclusively Anglo.  They were young and some were even considered attractive and smart women.  As his first endeavor Manson convinced a few women and a male follower to kill Sharon Tate and her then husband Roman Polansky.  They literally broke into the home where Tate was very pregnant and a few of her friends had stayed overnight with her while she had her baby.  One by one the Manson devotees stabbed each person, all of which begged for their lives, lastly Sharon Tate who asked them to take her until she had the baby and then kill her and one of which stated to the man stabbing her "Stop stabbing me I am already dead".  After supplicating with one woman, Sharon was told "I don't care about you bitch, you are going to die so get ready and shortly after that she was stabbed by the male in the group.  

Manson is one of those phenomenon as I see it.  Like others he was able to fake being of God and get people to do things that were horrific.  Another such person is Jim Jones who will be forever known as the "prophet" who was able to get hundreds of people to kill themselves but not until they killed their children.  To say that Manson and Jones are demonic is actually a nice way of describing them.  We can only be grateful that we have never been so confused that we'd allow some evil person to guide us to do something so awful.  Manson and Jones are surely not the only ones and unfortunately will not be the last.  They are in fact a symbol of just how evil people can be.  In spite of these men and others like them who run polygamous communities and marry 12 year olds our focus still remains on people of color and the danger we pose.  Ironically we are still trying to convince others that we are not the bad guys and keep our young men of color out of jail for minor mistakes.  

I admit that I am intrigued to some degree with white folks who kill and are so extreme about it.  It still makes me shake to think that a priviledged class of men kill their wife and then kill all four of their small children, including a baby.  Men who have been given a pass in our society are the very ones who commit the most hanous crimes.  Men who we are not afraid of and that hence get away with doing terrible things because no one would suspect them.  Interesting indeed.  

I am trying very hard to come up with an apology if I have offended anyone.  Yet there is a side to me that really wants to say "screw you".   That is the side of me that has witnessed and continues to witness crimes against people of color by policemen who hate us.  That is the side of me that wants to  ask every person: Black, white, Hispanic and Indian to stand up and stop this crazy cycle we are in where Blacks all over America are being targeted and where some police are getting away with murder.  We need to talk about this openly and admit that the Big Black Wolf is not Black and in fact is usually not Black or Hispanic.  We need to become honest about the horrific discrimination and hate going on in America.  We need to collectively say "Hell No" and stop the hate crimes that are targeting men of color.  I for one have become all too concerned about this notion that the bad guys are riding the Black stallions when in fact it is quite the opposite.  


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