Don't Forget to Laugh

There is a two-week program at O.H.I (The Optimum Health Insitutue) where one does a daily exercise that includes forcing yourself to laugh.  The premise of doing such a thing is because laughter is healing and for many of us helps us to put things into prespecitive.  Laughter is in fact known to be healing and let's be honest when we are laughing we forget our troubles at least for the moment.  For this very reason we cannot forget to laugh and find ways to laugh.  It is the laughter and the ability to continue to laugh that sends that message of survival to our brains.  If we can continue to laugh then we are at one time knowing that things are not as bad or unsermountable as we may think.  That there is a way out and that how we are feeling in the moment is not the very last feelng that we will have.  In fact people who are dying often times will die smiling and on ocassion laughing.

The ability to laugh in the face of adversity and in spite of the hard times we will face is as important as crying.  It is an emotion that will more often than not make us feel empowered and able to get from where we are to where we want to be.  Life is going to hand us lemons and if only we could laugh and make some lemonade then we will get through just about anything that is dealt to us.  It is the ability to find the humor in things that take us from the darkness into a lighter place.  The willingness to laugh alone is literally part of letting go of some of the things that ail us.

Recently one of the people I love died.  After each person entered the room where she laxed dead and each of us cried or dropped to the floor with emotional pain everyone gathered in the living room.  One person in the group began to reminisce over past experiences with her.  All of a sudden there were jokes about the things that were brought forward about this person and laughter filled the room. Almost everyone laughed and at one point even I laughed.  This was all happening while the person we all loved laxed in the next room and as we waited for the coroner to pick her up to take her to the funeral home.  This was indeed a testinent of how laughter heals us all, even when one may think it inappropriate.  Yet as we all know it is not unusual to tell a joke or two at somone's wake.  Laugher is a healing agent.

Life is going to give us some challenging situations.  No one is void of it even the priviledged class who have a butler, a driver or enough money to pay your bills always.  Still no mater what our economic status we must learn not to take things that happen around us and even to us too seriously.  It is when we take things too serious that we misunderstand life and find ourselves more disappointed or sad than we need to be.  Life is a series of things that happen around us yet when we see the humor in it we are more able to go on with what matters in life in spite of what is happening.  We must not forget to laugh because when we do we end up creating a consciousness inside of us that will keep us stuck in our every day issues.

This is what I would like to vote for.  I would like that everyone of us create situations where we make others laugh while at the same time laughing.  I would like to advocate for us to watch more comedies and attend more comedy shows.  I believe that if we are laughing we cannot possibly kill one another's dreams or treat each other so poorly.  To be serious all the time is a sure way to get sick and tired really fast and early in life.  Laugh my friends because if you don't you will be crying all the time.


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