Being Your Beautiful

I believe it was Marilyn Monroe who said: "be your own kind of beautiful".  I think much of our beauty comes from inside and from other factors.  Hence there are times when you look at yourself in the mirror and you think: "ugh" or you think "hey, I am beautiful".  I think that it has a lot to do with where our hearts are at and our attitude that makes us more attractive not just to others but to ourselves.  I also want to remind everyone that beauty as we see it in Vogue or Elle is a very limited kind of beauty and in fact a very predictable kind of beauty.  What we think beautiful and we sell to the public is all about marketing and has really nothing to do with radiant and lasting beauty.  In order for each of us to be our own kind of beautiful we need to:

Pump Up Your Personality:
I was married to a woman who would walk into a room full of people and they would follow her as she walked to her chair.  She was stunning but what made her gorgeous was her personality.  She always had a smile on her face and she always had love to share.  When our personality is pumped up our beauty in turn goes up.  What we often forget is that being beautiful inside makes us ever more beautiful on the outside.  It is our personality that radiates along with our individual physical attributes.  Almost anyone can be made to look pretty in a picture but beauty is just skin deep.

Dress It Up: 
I loathe people who say things like, "I am not into fashion".  The people that say things like this usually look it I hate to say it.  When we care about the way we present ourselves and do so in our own creative manner we raise our beautiful vibration.  There is nothing wrong with looking great and being intentional about it.  Dressing it up means that we take the time to look good and be well groomed.  When we care about what we wear and know it expresses our inner artistic persona we look even more attractive.  We don't have to follow every fashion trend we just want to decorate ourselves in celebration of who we are and knowing we deserve it.  

Be Confident: 
I have heard this forever.  When someone is confident they can wear anything.  Although maybe not everything we see out there we should buy when we wear it with confidence and we have an outward confidence others are attracted.  When we couple personality, great grooming and confidence that is what being beautiful is about.  Beautiful is more about having the confidence to be who you are.  

Don't Be Labeled: 
There are so many labels out there about beauty.  I think it is especially true for women because we sell an image of beauty that is white, blond, young and a size 4.  It is a limited and labeled beauty we see every day on TV, in ads, in magazines and movies.  Every day we see these false labels about beauty and although things are improving we must be careful not to fall for those labels and be labeled as not being beautiful.  A woman who is 40, 50, 60 can be impeccable and look like a movie star at any age.  When we refuse to be labeled then we can be our "own kind of beautiful".  

Whenever you are tempted to adopt those false notions of beauty remember that you are a unique beauty and that what comes from within is truly more powerful than anything else.  The world may never change the persona of beautiful but we are empowered to do that now.  Feel your inner beauty, show who you are and don't apologize for being you.  That my friends is beautiful.  


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