Women and Harrassment

There is a more recent campaign to bring attention to the harassment of women referred to as "Me Too". As men we don't normally experience the same kind of disrespect the way that so many women know only too well.  We can talk about it until we are exhausted yet what has to happen is for men to get involved in every aspect of a woman's right to be respected and in fact honored.  The only way to win the fight is for everyone to stand up and he heard and for law enforcement and the court system to have specific ways to address the abuse of women.  It is shocking to me that we are still trying to figure this out when it is such a long standing issue.  We are still putting women through more pain by questioning their motive and by simply not believing them.

When any woman reports harassment at work there should be some specific steps that have to be followed.  No company should be scrabbling for ways to address an issue of sexual harrassment in the workplace when this has been an issue for so long.  Every company should have a pamphlet that describes their zero tolerance for harrassment and that details what to do if it happens to you.  At this point we should be able to use research to determine the action streps when a person is harassed.  This should include a referral to professional support outside the workplace for women who are uncomfortable and need some advise before they report harassment.

I think that one of the ways to put sexual abuse of women to a stop is by organizing both men and women in organizations that support women through the pain of sexual harassment.  Men have to start getting involved.  Men have to play a role in the solution and become more active.  Men have to make their voices heard. Men have to make an agreement that they will not stand back and see abuse and not do something about it.  I say that when men begin to get involved in solving the issue of harassment against women that will be the day we get much closer to putting it to a stop.  Men can no longer sit around and watch the unjust behaviors on the part of their brothers.  Men are an important part of the solution.

I think that now more than ever we are uncovering some serious harassment charges against men who are in some powerful position or another.  We also have a hush hush attitude around it.  Men like Donald Trump and Bill Cosby have been treating women with a high degree of disrespect and gotten away with it for years and years.  It seems like we have to be OK with it or we would have to do something about it.  It seems as though what is easy is to ignore it and pretend it is not happening rather than shock and dismay.  We must begin an honest conversation around the topic of women and the way they are mistreated.  We must be willing to stand against the power of men who happen to be wealthy and begin to see that because a man is wealthy or famous it does not give them the right to abuse women.  It is for me time to have the million man march in Washington against the sexual abuse of women.  It is time for us to stand in unity and all become feminists against the men who think it is acceptable to abuse women.

There have been well known women who have reported their abuse when they were girls.  Just today Wendy Williams announced her nightmare around sexual abuse as a teen age girl.  I find that women like her are courageous and there have been many like her.  It will take more than women coming forward and we must know this to be an important step in healing abuse.  Yet what we need is to flow these reports of abuse up and become relentless in making sure that men who violate women are punished to the fullest extent of the law.  We must put a stop to the abuse and understand that as long as this is allowed in our country or any other part of the world we are minimizing women and we are saying that the people who bear our children are not important enough to protect to the highest level.  When we start to truly honor women and understand their importance in our society we will see that the world will become a better and safer place for all our girls.

Elliott Collazo


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