Life's Volume

I have a wonderful friend who stays overnight once a month and we refer to this date as our PJ party. This time around she came by yesterday and stayed until late this afternoon.  As is usual for us we talk about everything under the sun and we end by supporting each other.  This time what came forward was "turning up the volume".  We both agreed that each of us needed to turn up the volume in our individual lives and turn it down when it comes to other people.  Now after thinking about it I decided that writing about the subject of turning up our volume is the one I would like the focus of the blog to be.

The main idea of turning the volume up in life is basically placing more of our energy into ourselves and taking it off of others who are simply a distraction.  It is when we become purposeful in our effort to find our own path and our own life's volume goes up and our life becomes more of what we would like it to be, more of how we deserve to live.  There are many ways you can turn the volume up and it begins with wanting and knowing that it is our time.

We often times minimize ourselves, make ourselves smaller in order that others will be more comfortable and in response to their need to feel above others.  The fact is that when we make ourselves small we are doing the very opposite of what is good for us which is to turn up our light and make ourselves as important and deserving as we are.  Many of us are raised to believe that we should not ever bring any attention to ourselves and that in fact by doing so we are bragging or that we are arrogant.  Making ourselves big and embracing our gifts is what we should be doing every day that we are on this earth.  Anyone who is not in agreement with that are likely the wrong people on the wrong bus.  I say, turn up the light and the volume while you are at it.

We often dim our light and turn our volume down when we are made to feel inferior by someone we love or at one time loved.  We give others the kind of power they should never be given and many of us find out that instead of receiving support we are received with resentment and jealousy.  Our own light gets turned off because someone else believes it is somehow in our way.  We do this again and again until we understand that dimming our light does not make for a more joyful life but rather a more confused life.  There is never a good reason to dim our own light.  In fact, there will be many good reasons to turn it up.

So let me encourage all of you to turn up the volume and shine your light.  It is in that raising of your vibrational energy that you will see a difference in your life and in those around you.  Teach others how you deserve to be treated and that you are a gift of which you see in yourself and in others.  Every time you dim your light or turn down your own volume you agree to see yourself as less than what you truly are.  Focus on yourself first and make sure that you are doing what you must do for yourself before you offer to do for others.  Although it is nice to be of service to others we must always remember to take care of ourselves first.  By doing so we honor that light inside of us and we turn the volume up high enough to raise the vibrations of others and of the universe.


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