Trump and Puerto Rico

To say that Trump is rude and arrogant minimizes his behavior.  As a Latino and as a human being I find it appalling that even before he went to Puerto Rico he has one of his typical conflicts with the Mayor of Puerto Rico, demonstrating once again that he has little to no respect for others, never mind the lack of compassion and genuine caring, yet as sad as this may seem it is surely his character or lack of that shows through.  As is usual for him, everything has to be a confrontation and a battle because apparently this is what he knows best and when someone does not know any different they continue to come from a place of anger, arrogance and superiority.  It is a sad day for all of us that a person like this is running our country and has so little regard for human suffering.

Once in Puerto Rico Donald (as I prefer to call him) goes to a distribution sight where supplies are being passed out and begins to grab paper towels and throw them out to the disaster victims.  According to CNN he does this as if he were aiming for a basket and shooting a basketball.  He later makes a comment to Mayor Cruz that this situation is at least not as bad as the hurricane in New Orleans whereby people were dying after the incident.  As usual Don minimizing the situation at hand and it is likely because of where it is taking place and the people who are effected.  One cannot help but suspect that his reaction is due to the fact that this did not happen in Mississippi or Idaho where he would likely have more supporters and where it would effect his popularity going forward.  The fact that this happened in Puerto Rico is likely a key factor and explains his typically arrogant and cold response.

The people of Puerto Rico must being to get a clue as to their status as an associated state and the fact that their connection to the US is not really something either to be proud of or want in the future.  Going forward the people of Puerto Rico must take charge of their own island and begin to build an economy that is self-sustaining and rids them of their useless association to the US.  It is interesting to me how in places like Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Brazil and Mexico there are so many wealthy Americans buying property and living the high life while the people continue to struggle   One has only to visit Mexico to see the villas owned by Americans while we are doing all that we can to deport Mexicans back to Mexico.  Why then are we not deporting Americans out of Costa Rica and Mexico?  The bottom line is that people should be able to live where they want and that we should not be getting deported for no good reason.  The fact is that we have a president who has gotten away with insulting just about every struggling group in America and abroad and he continues to believe he can say what he wants and do what he wants.  For the first time in American history we have someone running our country that many people, including scholars and government officials find absolutely repulsive and inadequate.

At the core of this disaster is the notion that what happens in places like Puerto Rico that effects people of color is just not important enough to elicit a global response of support.  At the center of this horrific occurrence is our knowledge that we have a president who doesn't care enough about mankind and is in fact lacking in humane skills that are needed to carry a position that is this important to our country and to the world.  We must face some sad truths about a person who would throw paper towels at people in distress instead of handing them down and embarrassing people in such pain.  We will learn from this experience with Donald and we will not ever forget it long after he is no longer the leader of this country, but what concerns me the most is whether we will actually survive it.

Coach Elliott


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