We Creat Energy

We all are capable beings who are made up of a powerful and constant energy force.  The only problem is that we don't believe it or at least most of us are non-believers.  We think ourselves into a corner every time we engage ourselves in negative vibrations and thoughts.  We can also paint ourselves into a state of love if we decide this to be the energetic focus.  Every time we have a thought and every time we act on a thought we are using our energy whether it is light or dark, sad or happy, high or low.  This is why it is so important to maintain an energy that is serving us and serving others in ways, a productive energy.

My own past is one that in part was abusive and sad.  I remember times when I was a very small child and I would be so angry and abandoned that I would break my own toys.  That is when and where I started to create my own brand of energy that would propel me downward.  For much of my childhood I only knew how to creat negative energy.  It took years of self-work and self-reflection and self-loving energy to make a change in my own energetic being.  It takes a lifetime for all of us to realise how harmful our self-imposed bad energy is for us and I was not an exception.

The first thing to note about our energy is where we are at.  We can allow the energy to grow or we can stop it simply by speaking to it and giving it a name.  When it is positive we can note it and be in gratitude, thanking the source but when it is negative we want to let it go as quickly as possible and the more we practice letting it go the better we will be at it.  It may sound like this if the voice in our head were speaking:
"I know this feeling and I chose to release it now because it is not in my highest good" or "I know this is a feeling I need to have and I will allow it to be an experience that I learn from and let go of right here and now".

The mind is a wonderful thing and it does not know the difference between reality and fantasy.  This is why we can talk ourselves into bliss and talk ourselves into an energy that speaks to our heart rather than to our stomach where it churns and burns.

The thing is that the more negative energy we invest in and create a story with the more it shows up in our lives.  We call it being "realistic" but the truth is that we are simply insulting our spirit and damaging our hearts every time we sit and dissect and go over bad situations or past situations that brought us fear or sadness or despair.  We have the power to put a stop to this and to instead give the light energy more room to grow and to be.

The next time your energy rises up and feels like and looks like a duck, don't start quacking but rather start flapping your wings as if you are going to fly.  Don't wobble but rather jump right into the water of life and feel refreshed.  Envision yourself being a warrior instead of a victim and your body filling up with light instead of darkness.  

We have all been through stuff.  I could write a book on my stuff but every time I have it has yielded me nothing and nothing is not what I consider good.  Dwelling on the past will not take us to the future in a way that is graceful, peaceful or joyous.  And so I say create an energy that will look and feel like what we want and let go of the energy that keeps compounding the old stuff that we cannot do anything about.  Learn from the past and allow it to become the past.  Be in the present and allow that past to pass  Take a pass on the past.
Coach Elliott


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