How We Die And Live

I am the very first one in line when it comes to questions about living and also about dying.  I know nothing and yet I sense that all of my life I have been living to die and more recently am convinced that we are all here to die, at least eventually.  Yet the big difference to me is when people are terminally ill and it seems it is a much more daunting task to live each day, fully, and in a way that honors the spirit.  I have no really perception but I do sense that fear is the only thing between living with some kind of excitement and meaning and living just to someday die.

A man I will name Pablo has been battling with cancer for over ten years.  During his struggle he and I have become so close as so feel like best friend, like brothers.  He has gone from the smaller diagnosis of cancer to now having full blown stage four lung cancer lined with large tumors over his lung and his heart.  Still it seems that each day he manages to see something of good with the help of his daughters, his brother, sister and some good close friends.  As he sits in his hospital bed in the home of his sibling and her husband he is well cared for and expresses how very lucky he is to be in a place where others are there for him at every moment, pain free and at peace.  Here is a person who could be bitter yet for now he is truly an inspiration to himself managing to see the gifts in front of him.  To witness him is an amazing journey of love and compassion and he truly lets us know that death is journey, one we can all take with some form of joy and courage.

We believe we think we have to do it alone, the dying thing.  What I know is that we don't and that not only can we ask for what we need in many cases we can get what we need.  We don't' have to push people away but rather bring them into our fold.  It is my hope that someday when my time comes I will have to ability and know how to do this and not push back bur rather bring froward.  I think that this is the basis for dying with grace and with some form of love.  Allowing ourselves to understand fully that death is part of life and that there is really nothing to fear.  In the final analysis we are our own savior and our own hero.  We manifest that God or Goddess energy we need to rise up above the pain and above the fears.

I want to share with others that I love that I am sixty three and that in this lifetime I have gained just a little more wisdom each day.  I am so very honored that I have lived such a great life and that I have overcome so much darkness and come to the light.  For those of you in fear of death I would like to share the notion that we are dying the day we are born and that it is the most natural thing that will happen to each of us.  The difference will be in how we receive the message and our willingness to open our hearts to the idea that life is eternal.


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