What Women Want
I have attempted to be as spontaneous as possible around my BLOG even though I am not sure that there is any method to my madness to begin with, hence the "spontaneous" nature of it. It is really not like I have a choice since it takes me about ten seconds to become distracted like I am now listening to the television that is turned on nearby in the living area. I will be right back. OK, I'm back now. A momentary distraction has been attended to by the push of a remote. Too bad issues of life cannot be that simple all the time. As I have shared in the past this series of BLOGS will be focused on men and the manual that I have devised in my head, mainly because I am delusional and OCD (not really). The fact is that I think I know something about women because I have been working, living, interacting and loving a lot of women all my life. But this is not about me, this is about helping men understand some of the basic principles...