Life Happens For Us
A few days ago I saw a short announcement for an upcoming Oprah's Next Chapter and the future guest made the statement, "Life doesn't happen to us, it happens for us". I thought about these words and what they meant to me. I truly did feel like life was happening to me, not for me. When I think back on my life it was as though I was not in control of anything and that was likely because I did not feel empowered. Life was happening to me, much of the time in a way that I did not necessarily feel I wanted it to be happening.
The difference between life happening to us and life happening for us is that in the latter way of thinking and feeling, we are empowered and feel like life is "for us", on our side, happening in ways that we feel good about. We perceive life as a gift and not just an occurrence or a second hand experience we are having. When life is happening for us, we are receiving it and it is aligned with our joy and those things we would like to see happen to us. We see life as a positive force and that it unfolds with love.
Life and living is about perception and asking for what we want rather than sitting on the sidelines watching others live it up and just allowing the cards to fall wherever they may. It could be true that we are not in control of everything that happens to us and there will be times when life happens "to us" but life doesn't have to simply happen by chance. We can as they say "take the bull by the horns" and take some positive actions, make some positive decisions and create a life that is filled with some adventure and new experiences.
When life happens to us all the time we can eventually feel like we are victims. We feel powerless and helpless because we believe that we have absolutely no power over what happens to us. This is a myth and I believe that we learn that life happens to us from people who believed that life happened to them. The same people who thought life happened to them created the belief that we held as truth. When life happens to us and we believe it happens "to us" we are left with very little to do. We sit and we wait for the next thing to happen and we don't bother to plan.
When life happens for us we are receiving it with gratitude and we are guided by source. We are inviting all that is possibly and all that life has to offer. When life is for us we live it with intention and we open our arms up to embrace it. When we believe that life is ours to live we live life like we mean it, with purpose in our hearts. We plan things that make us happy and we carve out time to enjoy it. This takes prioritizing activities and eliminating activities, looking closely at the things we know will help us to grow, flourish and laugh.
Life is for you. Life is happening for you. Take the part of life that you are empowered to turn into a thing of joy and beauty, guided by source and turn it into THE LIFE THAT IS FOR YOU.
Take the time to sit down and focus on what you want for your life that will create a joyful experience. Write four things that you know you are empowered to do and plan on doing it. Write a mantra that you will refer back to that will help you to live your life like you mean it. Here is an example of a mantra that may work for you: "I can create an experience that lifts me up and that says yes to life". "Life is an experience that is for me and I am ready to embrace it".
Coach Elliott
The difference between life happening to us and life happening for us is that in the latter way of thinking and feeling, we are empowered and feel like life is "for us", on our side, happening in ways that we feel good about. We perceive life as a gift and not just an occurrence or a second hand experience we are having. When life is happening for us, we are receiving it and it is aligned with our joy and those things we would like to see happen to us. We see life as a positive force and that it unfolds with love.
Life and living is about perception and asking for what we want rather than sitting on the sidelines watching others live it up and just allowing the cards to fall wherever they may. It could be true that we are not in control of everything that happens to us and there will be times when life happens "to us" but life doesn't have to simply happen by chance. We can as they say "take the bull by the horns" and take some positive actions, make some positive decisions and create a life that is filled with some adventure and new experiences.
When life happens to us all the time we can eventually feel like we are victims. We feel powerless and helpless because we believe that we have absolutely no power over what happens to us. This is a myth and I believe that we learn that life happens to us from people who believed that life happened to them. The same people who thought life happened to them created the belief that we held as truth. When life happens to us and we believe it happens "to us" we are left with very little to do. We sit and we wait for the next thing to happen and we don't bother to plan.
When life happens for us we are receiving it with gratitude and we are guided by source. We are inviting all that is possibly and all that life has to offer. When life is for us we live it with intention and we open our arms up to embrace it. When we believe that life is ours to live we live life like we mean it, with purpose in our hearts. We plan things that make us happy and we carve out time to enjoy it. This takes prioritizing activities and eliminating activities, looking closely at the things we know will help us to grow, flourish and laugh.
Life is for you. Life is happening for you. Take the part of life that you are empowered to turn into a thing of joy and beauty, guided by source and turn it into THE LIFE THAT IS FOR YOU.
Take the time to sit down and focus on what you want for your life that will create a joyful experience. Write four things that you know you are empowered to do and plan on doing it. Write a mantra that you will refer back to that will help you to live your life like you mean it. Here is an example of a mantra that may work for you: "I can create an experience that lifts me up and that says yes to life". "Life is an experience that is for me and I am ready to embrace it".
Coach Elliott
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