What Women Want

I have attempted to be as  spontaneous as possible around my BLOG even though I am not sure that there is any method to my madness to begin with, hence the "spontaneous" nature of it.  It is really not like I have a choice since it takes me about ten seconds to become distracted like I am now listening to the television that is turned on nearby in the living area.  I will be right back. 

OK, I'm back now.  A momentary distraction has been attended to by the push of a remote.  Too bad issues of life cannot be that simple all the time.  As I have shared in the past this series of BLOGS will be focused on men and the manual that I have devised in my head, mainly because I am delusional and OCD (not really).  The fact is that I think I know something about women because I have been working, living, interacting and loving a lot of women all my life.  But this is not about me, this is about helping men understand some of the basic principles and how to better interact with women.  What I know I learned from women going back three generations to my great grandmother Maria Perez, a regal woman who had the longest braided hair I have ever seen in my life and spoke so infrequently that there were times when I thought she could not speak. 

As I said my knowledge comes from women that began when I was seven and realized that my great grandmother had died in her bed at the age of 82 in complete peace and silence that no one noted it until the early morning when she did not awaken at her usual hour at the very crack of dawn.  This morning the rooster crowed (our neighbors actually had one as a pet) and Maria Perez did not get up.  All I could remember was the dress inside her armoire and the candles that were slowly burning down that she lit every night as part of her ritual of prayer.  I felt such guilt around the thoughts that I had in previous times about how strange it was to kiss her wrinkled face, but that face became the sign of the goddess for me, one that I will never forget and one that will be ingrained as love in my heart forever.  At the time of her death I could only speculate what she represented and what she wanted from life.  I was only seven or eight years old and she was viewed in a casket in our living room forever changing the energy of our home.  Even as I write this I can sense her spirit and the powerful essence of a woman who taught me about women and about life.  It may sound ridiculous to say this but I truly feel like she set the example for me as a male and started a path for me that spoke to the lack of joy I would fight all my life to get back.  The thing is that I remember asking myself, What does she  want?  It was a question that kept repeating itself and involved every woman from her on down to my daughters and currently to my granddaughters.  The answer to the question is: Women want  what everyone else wants.  Women want what they deserve.  Women want to be treated with respect and as an equal to men.  Women want to experience their highest vibration.  Women want to nurture and be nurtured.  Women want the earth to be respected and honored.  Women want what everyone else wants. 

It sounds like a "sweeping statement" to say that women want what everyone else wants but if you interpret it literally you will be as lost as I am and maybe missed the point.  I think what women want is what they deserve and what men have.  I also think that men interpret that as women wanting to be men and I have to say that has not been my experience, although I am sure there are some men who want to be women and women who feel they have been born in the wrong body and gender.  That of course is another loving and tender subject and not the one I would like to focus on, primarily because that would be another long subject that I don't feel I have enough experience around.  What I mean by saying, "women want what everyone else wants" is that women are as much humanly connected and have much of the same needs, wants, dreams, aspirations and feelings as men. This is not to say that women are completely like men but I will go out on a limb and say that my understanding is that they want to be viewed and measured with the same yardstick as men and be given the same concessions.  I think that there are more women that feel as though there is still a different yardstick and higher expectations of them both in the family and in the workplace.  At the core of this is fairness and equity.  Women want the same things as everyone else. Let this be our first rule of life which is to know this simple fact.  What I believe is that it is not that we don't know this, it is that we don't exercise it.  It is that we don't honor this basic principle and it is that we live in an American society where we think that if we don't tell or act like we don't see it then it does not exist, then no one will ask.  I call it a don't tell so no one will ask policy and believe me when I say this: "I have been there and I  have the T-shirt".  Yes men, I am talking to you but mostly I am sharing my viewpoint in service to increasing your chances to "score" but in an emotional and mindful way with women. 

Women want what they deserve:
The reason that men want to get this life concept is because once you do you become the problem solver and a co-creator with the women that you want to connect with, be with, share with, work with and possibly share your life with.  Women all over the world are still being denied their equal rights and being treated with less regard than men.  With that in mind you are better equipped to understand that stance of a woman and in some cases the place where she is coming from and the way to interact with her.  If you ignore this simple fact then you are minimizing women and you won't be fully connected to women.  Understanding and acknowledging this fact that women are not being afforded what they deserve will place you in a position of compassionate connection.  Don't get me wrong.  Women are not asking us to feel sorry for them.  There are men and women that live life feeling sorry for themselves, but that is not what I am asking of you.  as a man I want to ask you to put yourself in the shoes of a woman and become a compassionate, loving, witnessing and co-creator of a man.  The second rule of interaction is to acknowledge that women have fought a huge battle to attain just the right to vote and that there are females on this earth who are being traded for a cow and being asked to serve others as though they were slaves.  Women just want what they deserve.   The same rights as men.  Like all human beings there are women who are very angry about being mistreated, passed over for promotions or not hired because they are having and nurturing our children.  But I contend that there are more women who are working their asses off, raising children on their own and not complaining about it or asking anyone to give them a prize, even though many of them deserve one. 
To Be Continued:
Coach Elliott


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