Who Were You Born to Be?

Sometimes I hear a song and it inspires me.  It elicits thoughts about life and the lyrics seem to be the ones I needed to hear.  Such is the case with the song "Who I Was Born to Be" by Susan Boyle". 

The song begins with, "when I was a child I could hear the wind in the trees".  As soon as those words came out of her mouth I thought about how much more receptive I was when I was a child.  I look back and think about how tuned in I was to what surrounded me, like the wind in the trees and the sound of the leaves.  When we are children there is this intuitive connection to nature and a naive and wonderful lens we look through were the little things mean something important.  We have this natural sense of appreciation for life and we seem to be more centered on joy.  We can hear what others are saying but more importantly we can hear what the earth is saying and we connect in a way that is natural. 

I wonder what happens to us and what is it that shifts in us?  What is it in our life where we go from hearing the crickets to where we cannot hear the birds chirping or the leaves rustling?  How do we go from the open hearted child to the resistant adult?  How do we lose what matters so much in life and what brings us closer to our hearts?  I think it may have something to do with the hard times we experience and how those times break us down, eventually causing us to shut down and not hear the sounds that represent the heart of our existence.  We allow those bad times to erase the times when we were able to sing out loud and dance with abandonment.  We somehow stop seeing the colors around us or we stop coloring.  We stop playing and we seem not to be able to find a reason to laugh at our experiences.  We have forgotten who we were born to be. 

I say, take back your playful child.  I say take back your right to be happy.  Look at each experience as an opportunity to grow and learn and don't hold on to the ones that were so heavy as to make you lose your balance and your sense of self.  Let go of what you know has burdened you or those lies someone told you and begin to take a mental inventory of who you are and what you want.  Know that you were born to be someone important and that everything you do is of importance.  Do not minimize who you are nor allow others to say or do things that you know are not resonating as love. 

Tell yourself what you want and do so with the confidence that you will have it, make it, form it and live it.  When you are in a sad place ask for what you want like this: "I want to be happy and experience the most joy possible in this moment".  Talk to your spirit, your inner child, your goddess energy and state what you want from the very depth of your heart.  Say it like this: "I want to let go of my anger and blossom into laughter until I am as close to God and love as I can be".  Talk yourself right out of what you are not wanting and talk yourself into what you were born to feel.  None of us were born to be sad, angry, depressed, disconnected, jealous or stressed out and the sad part is that we talked ourselves into those false notions.  We just need to dig into the archives of our life and figure out what we were brought here to do and what vibration we are suppose to live inside of. 

Who were you born to be?  Were you born to be a miserable, angry, dishonest, sad person?  Were you born to be a happy, light hearted, adventurous spirit?  Who were you born to be?  What were you born to do?  It is time to sit with your inner guide and ask yourself that question.  It is finally a time to take the time to live. 

Coach Elliott


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