I am not sure when we will understand the numerous issues around the physical image of women. Everyone is in on it including men and I am not void of an opinion but most of all concerns. I for one have become weary of the depiction of what magazines and ads promote as beautiful and the many ways that models are paraded in front of us with the myth that this is what pretty looks like, feels like and is like. To say that I am tired of the lies is truly just a light hearted description of how I feel as a human being, as a father of two women and as a man who has struggled with my own physical image due to the hard sell that depicts handsome men as muscular and big chested. Still I believe that women have a lot more pressure to be a size 0-6 and all the messages around us justify that rather cruel criteria. In a word: Ridiculous Today I got up early unlike some of my Sundays when I get up at about 9:30 and at other times whenever I happen to get up. ...