To LIve Is A Choice
I think that given all the things that can happen in life living is a choice. When we are sick it makes it harder for us to make that choice. When we are in pain it is harder for us to see that there is a light at the end of the pain and that choosing to live is a much more difficult choice to make. In fact when we are in pain choosing to die seems like a viable option. Yet at the bottom of it all is that fact that not everyone has the strength make the choice to live versus the one not to. Illness and pain can make us weak in many other ways: emotionally and spiritually, not just physically. No matter what is happening to us, living is a choice and making that choice is tested throughout our lives. When we choose to live we decide that whatever our state of our world and whatever our personal journey that we are worthy of living fully. When we are going through the pain states it is harder to make a choice to live and to live fully. It is in ...