To LIve Is A Choice

I think that given all the things that can happen in life living is a choice. When we are sick it makes it harder for us to make that choice.  When we are in pain it is harder for us to see that there is a light at the end of the pain and that choosing to live is a much more difficult choice to make.  In fact when we are in pain choosing to die seems like a viable option.  Yet at the bottom of it all is that fact that not everyone has the strength make the choice to live versus the one not to.  Illness and pain can make us weak in many other ways: emotionally and spiritually, not just physically.  No matter what is happening to us, living is a choice and making that choice is tested throughout our lives.

When we choose to live we decide that whatever our state of our world and whatever our personal journey that we are worthy of living fully.  When we are going through the pain states it is harder to make a choice to live and to live fully.  It is in those difficult moments that we must do our best to bring forth that warrior person inside each of us.  It is like the person who gets into a horrible car crash and survives.  We wonder what it was that saved this person versus the ones before him.  We question why some people seem to have the inner ability and courage to overcome so much in their life and still live fully and joyfully.  At the core of it is the choice we make and the subsequent actions that support a life of intention and choice.

Is living a choice?  I believe it is and that every day and every moment of it is one that we live with intention and a desire to live.  Everything that we do and say will either support our decision to live or not.  This is why our language should be one that is supportive of life.  Supporting life means that we must be grateful for what we have of good in our life.  It may be that we have cancer or another terminal illness yet it will be how we respond to this challenge that will help us to get through it and the basic element is that we decide, yes we will live!  Not only is living a choice but loving is also a choice.  Both are tied together by a strong thread of commitment and of choices.  Every action we take and every little decision we make will help us to make a choice, hopefully the one to live.

I honor every single person who decided to have a professional group assist them in their death.  Many people will see this as suicide while others would truly judge a person for making this choice.  Recently I saw a documentary on "assisted death" where there was a young woman who was terminally ill and was told that she had a very short period to live and that even drugs and other methods to prolong her life would likely not be a very good choice.  In fact prolonging her life would be unfavorable.  She was sent home to die.  It was then that she and her husband decided that assisted death was a viable choice.  She prepared for this choice and when the time came she simply drank the liquid that would painlessly allow her to leave the earth.  To witness this moment with her and her spouse was essentially an honor.  Making the choice to die is not where I want to focus yet what I have learned about people is that death can be a choice that we don't understand.  My own sister shot herself when she was very young and over the years I get it more and more.  It is a choice to die just as it is to live.

Yes my beloveds, living is as choice.  It is my desire that for those of you reading this blog that you will choose life!  It is my desire that everyone understand that living is a choice and that making this choice is a daily decision made in every moment.  Sometimes that decision is so difficult that one has to live moment by moment in hope that something will shift for the better.  Yet what we know as the deciding factor is that the fight is worth it and that living fully comes from a need and desire to live fully.  When times are rough the only thing we can do is to pull our pants and understand that we are in charge of our destiny more than we know.


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