Fear Based or Love Based Living?

Fear based living is easy when we are bombarded with messages that tell us to be afraid.  We are constantly reminded by the media of all the things to be in fear about.  Commercials on TV are instilling fear in us at every turn.  From owing money to the IRS to needing health medications that will eliminate depression but have the side effect of increasing thoughts of suicide we are being filled up with thoughts that are meant to scare us.  The reality is that we don't have to buy into all of these fear based messages and that we can live more freely from a place of love.  But how do we do that?  Well, here are my suggestions:

Tune Out: Stop the negative fear based messages and their negative effect by turning off the TV, especially when you are feeling vulnerable.  Instead play some lovely music and spend your time doing something else to entertain yourself.  When you turn off the TV you are turning less likely to receive messages that are fear based because that is exactly what commercials utilize to get you to buy into something or purchase something.  

Tune In: Start doing things on a daily basis that are self-loving acts.  Involve yourself in ways that are positive and spend more time doing things that will result in raising your spirits.  By doing things that are self-nurturing you are raising your level of love and living in a love based place.  It doesn't matter what you are doing but rather that you are doing something of interest to you, something that brings you love.  

Tune Out: Stop entertaining negative people.  If you have people in your life that are negative consider letting them go.  Negative people will bring you down and any relationship you are holding based on fear is not one you should continue to have.  There is always a loving and compassionate way to let go of the people in your life who bring negative energy to you.  Simply decide that you are going to live in love and not in fear around the people you associate with and let go of the ones that no longer serve you.  

Tune In: Tune in to your spirit and what you need to raise that level of awareness deep inside.  Your spirit is the deepest and most profound part of who you are and it needs to be loved and nurtured.  If you are going to live a love based life you will need to feed your spirit by meditating or praying daily.  Spiritual work is a daily process and it is about prevention.  When you practice meditation you are loving yourself deeply and you are preventing fear from taking over.  

Tune Out: Tune out or take a break from bad habits that you know are ones you practice out of fear.  Feeling our feelings can be difficult so many times we try to drown them with things like alcohol, marijuana, sex or sleeping a lot.  Decide that you are no longer going to continue to try to escape by doing things that are not aligned with your highest vibration and that are not good for you.  Do what you need to do to get the help you need to let go of addictive behaviors and harmful habits.  

Tune In: Get the support you need to become more in love with life and your surroundings.  There are many types of support groups and programs that will help you to combat the fear based things in your life and help you to find a more loving place inside.  Although 12-step programs may not be for everyone they can be very useful to many of us.  A life coach or therapist can support us and help us to find that loving places inside that will lead us back to a more loving life.  

What are the areas in your life that you need to tune in more and tune out?  Figure out what it is that needs to be emphasized in your life and place your energy into that which brings more love into your life.  Avoid those actions that elicit fear and do more things that elicit love. 


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