You Awoke Hence Your Journey

If you woke up it is assured that you are still here and that there is a reason for you to be here.  The day that your journey is over then you will cease to be in this space and time, you will transition, you will die.  As long as you are with a breath and alive you must know that you have a purpose and that whatever that is it has not yet been achieved.  There is also a lesson that you must learn still because if you did not need to learn anything more then you would once again not be here.  You would not have awoke and the fact is that you did.

Finding our purpose or the reason we are here another day does not need to be complex, confusing or mysterious.  It can be that we are here to share a lovely day with our child who at one point during the course of the day needed to hear what we had to say or needed for us to listen to something deep from their heart place.  Our purpose is daily and if we woke up we must be in deep gratitude and we must listen closely to the messages we are receiving but most of all we must follow our hearts and flow with the day.  We are alive today for good reason and today may be that day that we share a smile with someone who needs it or we receive a loving message from a stranger.

It may seem quite oversimplified this idea that if we woke up then we are here for good reason and that our journey is still in progress.  Knowing that we have this responsibility to be all that we can be because we are alive is simply knowing that our life matters and that what we do and say makes a difference.  Facing the world might be hard at times of trouble, sadness or even anguish yet lifting ourselves out of the bed and facing the world is what spirit wants and what we must know to do.  As difficult as it may be for some living our life fully and understanding another day of life means another day to contribute is paramount.  It may seems small but it is big.

I will likely not forget the day that I found out that my youngest sibling (my sister) committed suicide.  After that I thought I would not breathe again and that life was completely over as I knew it to be.  After a long bought of crying spells and some feelings of anger I realized that where I was in my life was not where I wanted to be and that I was not living an authentic life.  It was her death that awoke me and made me realize that as long as I was breathing and she was not that I would follow my journey no matter what the outcome.  To this day I understand the importance of that time in my life and that the reason I was a live was to serve a purpose.

I have obtained and I have lost friends.  I have known people who claimed to be my friend and literally abandoned me for no apparent reason or when times got tough.  I have helped people through their journeys only to never hear from them again.  At one time I thought that my own life was less important and that the reason people left my circle was because I was guilty of something bad.  What I know today is that every day that I live there is a wonderful magical and logical reason.  Hence I have been able to leave the people in the past that belong there and that it does not matter why or what happened.  It only matters that I am alive and that I have a purpose to fulfill today.  Whatever the reason for the lost relationships only matters in that I have learned some valuable lessons.

You my beloveds have awoken and hence you are being asked to continue the journey we call life.  You my beloved person of Spirit are being called to serve and to live fully and with intention.  You woke up because you are valued and what you do and say has an impact on this earth and the people in it.  It does not have to be that you are a genius or renowned surgeon but that you are a good human being with the ability to being light to one person.  You woke up this morning and so the message is that you are worthy and that your journey makes a difference, that your journey must go on.

"You have been given the breath of life so that you might pass it on" 
  Elliott Collazo 


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