Loving Life Now

I have to say that at 61 I am now happier and having more fun than ever.  I feel like for a time there I was stagnant and with the wrong people around me.  Now I feel much better in that I am now focused on the right people.  I know that life is a matter of allowing yourself to be led to the places and people who are meant to bring gifts and acknowledge your gifts as well.  It has been a process but this is how I think it all happened for me:

I got off the wrong bus: Just as when you get on the wrong bus to where you want to end up going being in the wrong relationships and friendships can be just as crucial if not more important.  Once you have established that the people that surround you are not right for you and not celebrating who you are it is best to get off that bus and get on the one that leads to where you want to go in life.  Doing this may be the hardest thing that we do for ourselves but it is the most important and life altering thing we should do for our own highest good.  Leave the people who you know are dragging you down and don't look back.

I then got on the right bus: In contrast getting to the right destination requires getting on the right bus so it is with people.  Get on the right path by making new friends who you can identify as supportive, upbeat, kind and generous.  Look at how people show up right away.  Are they responsive to your friendship?  How to they show you that you are special and that your gifts matter?  Those are the people you want around you.  These are the people who are on the right bus going to where you are goiing.

I started to be in the right places: If you want to meet alcoholics then hang out at the local bars.  You will find nice folks there but you will heighten the chances of meeting the wrong ones.  Being in the places where people like you hang out is part of the good life equation.  If you like music then go to concerts and if you like art then frequent the art institutes near you.  There you will meet the right people because you are in the right places for you, emphasis on you.

I moved myself to the right area: When you select where you will live look at the type of people who live there.  Look at the safety of that area and the reputation of it.  Living in the right neighborhood will give you access to the right people nearby.  If you are a professional male or female you may want to live in an area where professionals are known to live.  If you like a variety of cultures and living around open minded people of all races then choose an area like that to live in.  There are artistic, professional, safe and family communities all over.  Knowing where you would like to live and making that a priority will increase the love you feel about your daily life.

I started to always maintain my boundaries: Make sure to have a set of boundaries around what is acceptable or not to you.  Don't stray from your boundaries and what you deem important.  Always let others know when they cross your boundaries in the kindest and best way you know how.  By making your boundaries known you are living a life of self-love and integrity.  When you don't have boundaries people know it and they will do as they wish around you and towards you.  If anyone in your life does not respect your boundaries then it is time to send them packing.

Loving your life is all about how you live and the main thing is to live life with intention.  Always keep in mind that where and who you are surrounded with equals your self-joy and stands for how you view yourself.  Always stay on the right bus, in the right places and honor your boundaries.  With that said I would encourage each of you to ask yourself: "Am I loving my life now or not?"  And "In what ways am I going in the direction of love or in the direction of self-hate?" If the answer to these questions are not as you would like, then consider what you are going to do about it.
Elliott Collazo
Life Coach
Ma: Spiritual Psychology


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