Just Stir The Pot

"When you are stirring the pot, just stir the pot".  What this means is to enjoy and stay in the moment of that task that you are doing at the time.  The converse of this kind of thinking is when we stir the pot and we are thinking about the overdue bills or that we may very well stir it for too long.  We are not in the moment but rather everywhere but the moment.  Yet what makes for a full life is a life where we do things at that moment and stick to that which we are engaged in as if nothing was more important.  Cooking is only one example of how staying in the moment will result in a wonderful meal or at the very least the best meal you can make.

We are very proud of being people who multitask and to some degree this might be neccessary and could be called a gift.  The only thing about trying to do three or four different things at a time is that often times none of them get your full attention and hence rise to your highest potential.  Seperating each task or activity that we do asks that we make something or someone a priority and focus just on that or that person.  We cannot write a book while spending quality time with our children.  We cannot read and send emails and at the same time be with the person we love I a way that is tangible. We must select which of the two or three things we would like to be doing down to one, giving that one thing the importance.  In this way we can just be completely present in our life.

When you are taking a shower you are taking a shower.  Check in with yourself by making the focus about cleansing your body rather than thinking about your morning meeting at work.  You must be fully in that moment in order to enjoy it fully rather that to be fixed on anything else that might be next.  Be aware of the warm water pouring over you and the sensation of that experience.  As you put the shampoo on your hair rub your scalp as if you are massaging it.  Use a shower as a time to just be in that moment enjoying it all the way.  If you drift into something else stop yourself and go back to feeling the water pouring over you and close your eyes imagining that you are being cleansed by water and light.  If you just take a shower you will experience a magical moment just for you.

Whatever you do the only thing to focus on is that moment.  Whatever you are feeling allow yourself to feel it in that moment and don't dismiss it.  Be fully in your feelings, be fully in your body be fully in your heart and know that this moment is important and that living in it is the best thing you can do for yourself.  Whether you are singing a song, making a dress, knitting or cooking stay with it and allow yourself to be consumed by it for now.  If the phone rings and you are writing don't answer it.  Refuse to allow any outer source to stop your experience in the moment.  By living in the moment we accept what is in our now doing everything we can to make that moment the best it can be.


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