Keep Dancing

Sometimes when life throws me a curb what comes me is "keep dancing".  I love to dance and when I am dancing I feel a particularly child like joy.  When I dance it seems as though I forget everything and I get lost in the beat of the music and the spirit of the dance.  I feel a sense of abandonment and my heart feels happy.  If only when we have issues in life we could remember to keep dancing, keep living, keep laughing and keep breathing.

Life is going to have some challenging and dark moments.  A life that is lived is going to have some bumps in it and frankly if there were not any issues life might being a bit mundane.  If we could accept that there is going to be some times of trouble and keep going we will be all the better for it.  It is when we allow the downs to paralyze us and render us immobile we stop dancing, we stop enjoying life and we falsely believe that we have no choice but to lay down.  The trick is to keep doing, keep moving, keep the momentum going in spite of the fact that something has happened to us that may not be as pleasant as we would have liked it to be.

You as I have may ask: "What does it mean to keep dancing?"  It means that no matter what happens that we keep actively seeking our joy and doing what we know we must do to maintain our breath.  It means that we can literally keep dancing if we don't allow our circumstances to out weigh our right to life or allow what happens to us to rob us of our truth or our joy.  It means that we must be purposeful in seeking our happiness and purposeful in letting go of what needs to be let go of, giving ourselves permission to keep dancing, to keep living.

Of course we all have the choice to stop dancing and it may be that we will get to a place in life when we no longer want to dance.  I think that the day that I stop dancing I will dance a little slower until I transition into the new dance.  Perhaps that dance will be slower but it will still be a dance.


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