Purpose and Intention

I guess now is as good a time as any to change the subject and talk about what has come up for me in my own relationship, that being purpose and intention.  I am finding that my relationship has improved as a result of both of us becoming purposeful and intentional. 

Having intention is another way of moving in relationship with an outcome in mind, one that is positive and purposeful.  If our intention is to be happy, connect more or just be more playful then it is more likely to happen when we think it through. On the converse if our intention is to get back at our partner or friend then that is just as likely to happen.  It is the intention from which we come from that will provide the outcome we want.  The biggest thing is that if we don't have any intentions or purpose we will likely either stay stagnant or we will not get much of anything better. 

Whether we are talking about friendship, love or family connection purpose is important.  We have a purpose when we intentionally set out to be loving, be supportive and share laughter.  Without purpose we can be in any relationship but it will not be as meaningful nor will it be as strong.  Purpose is aligned with work and the work that we are addressing in relationship involves doing more than saying.  When we get caught up in saying "I love you" we believe that saying the words shows how much we love another person but that is not enough.  We have to be purposeful and sometimes think about what we can do to show love.  We can do that in many ways like cooking someone a dinner, calling them when we know they are going through a difficult period or time in their life or sending a thank you card.  The point is that there needs to be an action behind the "I love you" statement and a purpose in our hearts. 

We can have all the good intentions we like and many of us have a lot of good intentions.  It is great to have intention but there needs to be a follow up around our intentions.  The intention itself is wonderful and we need to know what it is.  Doing things with intention is at the core of taking the intentions and manifesting the love behind the intention.

Living and loving with intention is likely the single most useful tool for enhancing any relationship with anyone you love, including yourself.  Beginning the day with intention for your own life and your own day is where it all begins.  From that starting point you move into the intentions towards others.  If you get up in the morning and you tell yourself "my intention is to have a productive day" it will likely be a productive day.  If you wake up in the morning and you think "my intention is to show my children that I love them" then you will show your children you love them because you have the intention.  Intentions are even more vital when you are struggling in your life and when you are in a place of confusion or sadness.  Intention can take you from the confused place to a place of knowing, hence the importance of intention. 

When you are aware you can be purposeful and you set a purpose.  For example if your intention is to be more connected to your partner your purpose could be to show him or her that you love them.  If you have the intention to be more light hearted your purpose could be to make others laugh more or see things in a lighter manner.  If your intention is to be a happier person then your purpose could be to be better company to the ones you love.  Intention and purpose are connected and yet separate entities in your life.  There will be times when all you need to think about is intention and the purpose will become obvious.  There will also be times when you need only think about and decide on a purpose and the action will come to you. 

It is all really about living with a conscious mind and understanding a type of cause and effect lifestyle, instead of just flying by the seat of your pants, which can sometimes be a good thing but not always the best way to live.  There will be times when we don't have control of what is going on and all the intention and purpose will not change that.  It is at those times when we know we need to surrender and that what happens next will be God's will and not ours.  Having intention and purpose only works if we are empowered and I think we are empowered a lot of the times when we think we are not. 

So live your life with some intention and some purpose.  Talk yourself through those things you intend and want to create in your life each day.  Ask yourself what your intention is for the day and what will be your purpose.  You will be wonderfully surprised at what will happens when you live an intentional and purpose driven life.  Here is your next challenge for the next 30 days:

Life Homework: 30 Days
1.  Write down your intention before you go to bed each day (for 30 days) and place it next to your bed.
2.  State your intention/purpose each morning and if something is troubling you or there is some feeling you are struggling with, align your intention and purpose to counteract those feelings.
3. Make a collage or art piece that speaks to your intentions and purpose and display it.  Look at it every day at least five times.
4. Light a candle and sit on a comfortable pillow in silence for at least ten minutes a day or night thinking/focusing on your intentions and purpose in life.
5. Write down ten things that you are going to do for yourself and others that are related to your intentions and purpose and give yourself dates for competing these ten acts of intention and purpose. 

It is with love and gratitude that I share my BLOG but more than anything it is with the intention of sharing my knowledge and the purpose of helping others create a more purposeful and intentional life. 
Coach Elliott


  1. A fitting post for me as my intentions are to grow my youth initiative and fulfill my purpose for assisting youth.


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