Creating Your Karma

Karma: the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.  

This definition has been in a way transcribed in present day terms as what you do unto others will come back to you eventually.  Some use the phrase: "karma is a bitch" to refer to people who have wronged them and how they will pay the consequences because "what goes around comes around" (another catchy phrase to mean the same thing).

However karma is explained it adds up to one basic premise and that is that we don't get away with doing bad things to other people and in fact we get it back much like a boomerang is designed to do.  If you believe that your behaviors towards others effects your life then you may never say or do anything wrong.  But let's face it, we are human and we get angry, jealous, spiteful and upset at others, resulting in actions we would not be proud of.

I think that karma is real.  I also believe that how we behave towards others effects our life and energy.  While it may be normal to get angry and say things we don't mean, we must know that karma will and can come back to us and that consideration and compassion will avoid bad karma.  Treating everyone with a degree of respect will maintain our karma in a positive state.  When we are aware of our actions we treat others with the dignity that we wanted to receive from them.

Karma is not always negative.  Positive karma can flow from us when we hold the intention to be positive in our words and actions.  Don Miguel Ruiz refers this as "being impeccable with our word". I call it being in our integrity when we share our views, opinions and feelings with others.  We have a choice every day that we live to be in a place of joy and positive karma.  Many of us don't understand karma to be something we want to consider when we are making decisions and when we decide to be compassionate towards others.

Karma is attached to our emotional state.  I believe that and always will.  It is when we are in a positive emotional place that our karma is great.  On the converse when we are not in an emotionally stable place it shows in our karma, our energy, the way we express to others.  Every day is a new start and when we begin with self loving work like meditation or prayer we increase our good karma.  What we must understand is that life is our teacher and that the way we chose to live it is important.  Developing our positive karma is all about staying in a positive and joyful place and being in our joy is an ongoing process.

Before we speak, before we act and before we make a decision that involves another human being and feelings it is likely best to check in with our state of karma.  Knowing where our heart is in the moment helps us to decide whether it is a good time to interact with others or a time to pause and regroup.  Our karma can take a beating when we simply run from one things to another.  Karma is more about our energy and our emotional state.  When we nurture ourselves we keep the karma healthy and our energy of love comes forth.

Elliott Maximo Collazo 
Life Coach & Lifestyle Consultant 


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