
Often times I am guided to the next subject of my blog and have little to no idea why or what I am going to say.  Today what came up as soon as I opened up my page was "haters" and of all people Taylor Swift's song "Shake It Off".  In this song (don't quote me), she signs "the haters are going to hate, hate, hate, hate, but I'm just going to shake, shake, shake, shake it off".  I could of used a song with a message like this one when I was in high school, but this is not about me and so I will continue with the intention that each of you will hear something that you might understand and use about haters.

Haters are people who are usually jealous of others.  Although we all have feelings of jealousy, haters have a higher level of dark feelings towards others that they either can or maybe cannot control without some guidance.  People who have hateful feelings are ones who feel inferior deep inside and feel as though by dissing others they will feel better.  For them it is a temporary fix that only lasts for so long.  For others the damage done takes years to heal.  For this reason we must be aware of the energy around us and what is in our immediate vibrational circle.

Our vibrational circle is the energy that surrounds us and how it resonates with our body and especially our inner spirit.  Being aware of the vibrations around us and the energy we are feeling about it is crucial to living our daily life in a place of greatness and of peace.  Many of us are not aware of what I call "the vibrational circle" around us because when we are not running with scissors we are running without thinking and without any intention or purpose but to survive.  Feeling what is around us takes us stopping and taking some very profound breaths.

Today I have decided no TV and I will share why.  I can already feel an energy of darkness around me that although it is light, it is asking me to stop and breathe.  If I tune in the TV I know that I will get hooked for a minimum of an hour and even if I have the intention to do something else by the time it gets to the next "you're not good enough commercial" or "you need to buy this to be whole" commercial I am hooked.  My intention today is to review my outer vibrational circle and see where I am and what needs to be done.  Then I will meditate for at least 15 minutes, do some form of exercise and listen to music that has a positive vibration like Enya.  I know that today I must be careful not to get caught inside a negative vibrational circle but rather and do things that will feed my closest vibrations in a positive way, doing things that will raise my level of positive energy.

It is likely that we will deal with haters all of our life but the good news is that we can raise our vibration so that they cannot penetrate us.  Monitoring the energy around us is the first step to keeping the haters at bay and remembering that we give them the power, they don't have it.  We either surround ourselves with lovers or haters, we decide in every moment.  Looking at our phone lists, email contacts and the people we surround ourselves with and deciding which stay and which people go helps us to begin a new way of life that is peaceful and centered around self-love.
Coach Elliott Maximo


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