Gratitude Creates Properity

This sunny afternoon I taped my second test of my skills at sending my messages via a video.  I am trying to be spontaneous so todays message was "gratitude".  What I believe is that gratitude creates more prosperity in our lives, emotionally, spiritually and financially.  The less we are focused on having and the more we focus on being in gratitude for what we have, the more organically things will just come to us.

I find that the less I worry about money the more money comes to me.  Almost without exception I have thought about money, released the thought and then hours or days later I receive money or an opportunity comes to me to make some income.  Since my early retirement I noticed that money became secondary and that I can actually live on a lot less money than what I made when I was working a job I did not love.  Today I worry less and less about money and as a result I always have enough.

When we worry about something and allow it to fester it becomes all consuming.  Letting go of the need to have or worry about what we don't have is a magical experience.  Spirit seems to respond to this much better.  Being in gratitude is a sure path to attaining more because Spirit believes we could use more since we are so grateful for what we have.  On the converse when we are complaining about what we don't have and the lack of things Spirit gets the message that we cannot handle anymore nor do we deserve more, since we are ungrateful.  Yes, I said that.

Every day be in gratitude and list the things you are grateful for.  Tell yourself that what you have is enough and that you are blessed to have it.  Every day look around you and note all the things you are appreciative for like a warm bed, blankets and food to eat.  Thank spirit for your family: your children, your spouse, your friends.  Do this every day of your life and what will happen will feel astounding.  You will be given more and you will understand that what you have is enough.

Greed is a harsh word I guess but let's be honest: it is greedy to want more and more and have an obsession to have a bigger and better car or home for example.  Being in greed is the reason that two people feel a need to live in a million dollar home that is 8,000 square feet.  Although this may offend some people, just because you can afford it does not mean you must have it.  Money is only one form of prosperity and having ten cars worth millions is often times about greed and not need.

Take a look at your life my beloveds.  Look at the way you view material things and happiness and success.  Know that being prosperous is really about having enough and that when it exceeds enough it will hopefully be inn the area of joy and family, something meaningful.  Joy cannot be bought with money and if you think that to be so, just look at the many drug addicted rich folks who in spite of all their money have serious issues.

Be in gratitude for what you have in every area of your life.  Ask to be granted just what you need and when it exceeds need consider donating to a cause.  Be in gratitude so that spirit hears you and the universe rewards you for accepting what is good and being thankful for it.

Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


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