How To Be Happy At Home
Not to long ago a friend shared that he did not like being alone at home. His solution to this was to be out all the time and every day possible. I felt some concern for him and shared that I loved being at home alone and relaxing. I went on to say that for me being at home by myself was relaxing and that I actually yearned for that alone time. I went on to say that I love sitting on my deck on my comfortable chair enjoying music, the reflection of the pond and the abundant nature around me. Suddenly he responded with: "I would stay at home if I had a beautiful house like yours. This of course made me feel some sadness for him, not because he could not create a great environment in his own apartment but because he seemed not to value himself enough to make where he lived a place he would love to spend more time in. I am thankful to him because it prompted me to think about what we can ALL do to make a the space we live in SACRED, COM...