Don't Take Anything Personal

I like to remind myself that what others think of me is really none of my business and if they make it my business I will "tally up all my evil thoughts" and not take it personal.  What you and I fail at doing is that at the very least what others think of us, true or not, is a feeling that we don't have to own.  It did not come from us nor should we trust what someone else says as who we are.

No one has a right to judge you and so with that being clear we must understand that when others point their fingers at us in judgement that four fingers and in fact pointing back at them.  Often times what we see as a flaw in someone we often times know it to be our own flaw.  When in fact it is so clear to us who we are nothing anyone says will effect our joy.  In fact, what the other person doing the pointing does not seem to know is that we already know who we are.

For many people life is already a daily struggle.  Seeing the good in mankind is not easy and living and working and doing so much in so little time in a day is exhausting.  Still we must stay within our own mind set because to wander into someone elses is really just a waste of time.  It is challenging not to take what other people say offensively and even want to hit them in the chin.  Yet this is exactly some bully's intention, is to get you "off your square" and into their world where it is dark and many times sad.

Don't take anything someone else says and consume it because if you do be ready for more of it.  When people see that you are unscathed by their hurtful words they will no longer see the fun in it.  It is up to us as spiritual beings to hear what others say aloud and not make it a part of our mind.  When we do we are letting others invade our emotional feelings, the ones that only we can effect.  The strength that it takes to do this will be rewarded ten fold down the journey of life.  Sometimes that journey is truly long while most times it seems all to short.

That brings me to the thought of "life is too short".  I think that this resonates as the highest purpose for ignoring what others say to us and allow it to roll right off.  We can take it personal but why?  After all it is not the final word and no words can change who we really are.  At the core of becoming less offended is daily work and daily thoughts.  The thoughts we have moment by moment are truly ours to have and even if we were confined we still have that freedom to love ourselves and not let others dictate our self image.


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