How To Be Happy At Home

Not to long ago a friend shared that he did not like being alone at home.  His solution to this was to be out all the time and every day possible.  I felt some concern for him and shared that I loved being at home alone and relaxing.  I went on to say that for me being at home by myself was relaxing and that I actually yearned for that alone time.   I went on to say that  I love sitting on my deck on my comfortable chair enjoying music, the reflection of the pond and the abundant nature around me.   Suddenly he responded with: "I would stay at home if I had a beautiful house like yours.  This of course made me feel some sadness for him, not because he could not create a great environment in his own apartment but because he seemed not to value himself enough to make where he lived a place he would love to spend more time in.  

I am thankful to him because it prompted me to think about what we can ALL do to make a the space we live in SACRED, COMFORTABLE, ORGANIZED AND BEAUTIFUL. 

Here are some: 

1. Take the clutter out:
Decide to get rid of whatever you have been hoarding and know you do not need.  The more you get rid of the more mentally clear your mind will be.  You will be able to enjoy your space more once you have made room for the things that are most important and that you need.  Clutter is likely the biggest culprit to a home that is uncomfortable and difficult to live in.  
2. Add some color: 
If your home is painted in dark colors or all white, consider adding some color.  I would recommend pastel colors like light green, aqua or a pastel blue.  Color tends to revive a space and make it feel happier.  Studies have indicated that color has an emotional response from us and that some are more elicit a more joyful feeling.  I love my aqua coloration called "Waterfall" because it gives me a bright and happy feeling when I get up in the morning.  Color is virtually one of the best ways to make your space one that you love.  Consider painting a dresser in a bright orange or white.  This can make a piece look like new. 
3. Start anew: (consider resale)
Consider getting some new larger items like a new sofa.  If you cannot afford a brand new sofa, consider resale shopping.  There are a lot of great buys in resale shops from tables you can paint to sofa chairs you can have reupholstered.  It is better to have less things than to hold on to things that are weathered and should be disposed of.  
4. Think comfort, sacred and special: 
When you are revamping your space hold the intention that it will be comfortable, special and even sacred.  That everything you do matters and will make a difference as to how you will feel.  Take the time to make it comfortable and relaxing.  You will likely love to spend more time in your space if it is comfortable, organized and beautiful.  
5. Add a personal touch: 
A personal touch is added with the accessories you pick.  A beautiful vase, an art piece by a local artist, a ceramic fruit bowl or a modern silver candle holder are just some of the accessories that will give your space a personal touch.  Don't be afraid to mix styles and add some pops or color.  IN my home an orange dish with a number 6, a lacquered orange wood tray, an orange hurricane, and orange candelabra and a ceramic bowl add that pop of color to the white and aqua base.  
6.  Entertain friends: 
Celebrate your new space by inviting friends over for a pot luck event.  Now that your space is one of are proud of you can share it with family and friends, celebrating the fact that now you are living exactly as you deserve to live: beautifully, comfortably and organized.  

I recommend living well to everyone that I love.  It is not about money but rather intention.  Making our space worthy of being in and enjoying is really more about knowing we are all deserving of that. 


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