4 Bright Christmas Ideas

Sometimes the holidays can be really stressful.  Thinking of things to do that are not filled with feelings of anxiety and stress can be tough for some, never mind the added stress of dysfunctional family antics.  Every year I make it my goal to enjoy the holidays more and experience the least stress possible.  Although we may not find the perfect solution to the holiday madness we can enjoy the holidays more when we are intentional about finding light filled ways to brighten the holidays and lessen the stress.  Here are four of them:

1. Agree to buy gifts for children only or just your own children: 
Many times it is the huge amount of money one spends that we dread and unfortunately that debt follows us for another year.  Agree to buy gifts for only minor children or for your own children and distribute them on Christmas day in each household with your own children.  The less money your family spends that better they will feel.  Explaining to the children that their gifts will come to their house on Christmas morning will ease the expensive cost to everyone.

2. Have a pot luck Christmas: 
Have one celebration at one family member's home.  Have everyone pitch in a dish and do a pot luck holiday party.  It will ease the stress on one person and make it more affordable for everyone and will be more fun.  In the end everyone in the family saves money and can focus on what really matters, the love of family.

3. Make it about a family and spiritual celebration: 
Plan a get together that celebrates family and that honors the spiritual meaning of Christmas.  Have everyone meet at a church for the Christmas mass and encourage each family member to share what they see as the true meaning of this wonderful holiday.  Each family member can share how important family is to them and why they are grateful for family.  Make it about family and about the true meaning of the holiday.

4. Skip parts of the holidays until after the holidays: 
I have often thought it would be great if we all waited to buy gifts until after Christmas when everything is on sale.  The gifting part of Christmas can be delayed until after wards.  For some the Three Kings Day in January could be an alternative day to celebrate family and exchange gifts.  There is really nothing that obligates us to celebrate on the same day as everyone else.  We can celebrate when we like and create a brand new family tradition.

Opening up to new ways of approaching the holidays can be a great way to take some of the obligatory aspects out and bring in the true meaning of the holidays.  We are much too focused on gifts and on making our home look more fancy with lights than the other neighbors.  We forget that Christmas is a simple celebration of the spirit and of family.  When we place the emphasis on where it belongs we can enjoy the holidays without stressing about money or other factors that are not truly meaningful.  This year make the holidays about love, sharing, unity and abundance of heart.  Take the joy back and create simple ways to make it special.  After all the holidays are really just about family and love.


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