Trump?: What To Do Now?

Although it pained me as it did many Americans, Trump will soon be in the White House as our president.  As recently as a few days ago a very well dressed white supremest leader held a very well attended meeting where he did a complete dissertation focused on "White Power".  For me and for others, there is something frightening about groups like this one and the KKK that supported and got Trump into office.  The foremost concern is that Trump and his supporters have a plan for America that places the power in the hands of white Americans in particular.  It is all too sorted and is cause for much concern yet I for one have to believe that we can do some specific things to make it difficult for the "White Supremacists".  Here are some of the things we can do:

1. Pay close attention and take notice
2. Be ready to take action/protest and get involved
3. Stay positive and fearless (Love Does Trump Hate)
4. Know the laws (including the laws of the land) will prevail

Now is the time to pay closer attention to what is going on in our government and what the president is up to.  I think that Trump will be monitored more than any other president given that he has not an once of experience and is really not that smart.  There will be factions that will make it their job to follow Trump's every decision and antics because we expect that he will be up to something of no good.  It is our job now more than ever to simply pay very close attention to what the president is doing at every single turn every single time.

We will need to go back to the days when protesting was much more of the direction we went in to created change.  We will need to be seen more than every and heard loudly and clearly.  When Trump decides to act a fool we must be there to say no to whatever is not just, humanly compassionate or one of his many power hungry moves.  We must be willing to get involved in ways we have not in a very long time and history of our country.  We cannot allow him to deport people randomly or to put our country in jeopardy by being a bully and an arrogant ass.  Now is the time to be completely willing to drop what we are doing and attend a massive protest the minute he gets out of line.  And believe me he will.

We cannot let Trump or his white supremest, KKK, racist and massaginistic followers put us in a state of fear.  We cannot function in a place of fear nor can we create change when we allow people to instill that racially bigoted inspired fear on us.  Every day we must become silent and pray.  Every day we must meditate on what we want to evolve in our country and how we want our world to be.  we must be focused on creating peace, harmony, love and understanding if we are to manifest it in our country.  We do not need to be in fear but rather in empowerment.  We must believe that we are empowered with light and with God's powerful guidance.  The more we allow fear to rule us the more we will be controlled by a fascist leader like Trump.  We must be willing to fight back by being fearless.

Knowing the laws of government and the laws of the land will be crucial for the next four years.  We may think that Trump will not win a second election but then again we did not think he'd ever win this one and to our dismay he did.  Now more than every we must know the laws that govern a president and his power to make decisions.  We must learn the laws that trump Trump and will stop him from going an inch further than he should or has the power to do.  Although it's scary to think what Trump and his officials will be doing in the closet we must know the laws so that we can stop them from running a muck.  Trump and his family may believe they can do whatever they like but the law of the land, the laws of God will prevail as long as we are willing to fight and fight hard.

I know that what I have shared has some tinges of personal feelings.  I am human and I will admit that what Trump has planned for us is quite scary on one hand yet on the other I am confident that we will be able to manage him.  All that we must do is remain focused, involved, united, fearless and positive.  We can easily stump Trump by being one step ahead of him.


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