A "Health Opportunity"

All of us either know someone who has become seriously ill or have had the experience first hand.  It is challenging for most of us to deal with someone who is struggling with serious health challenges and for some of us we know what it feels like because we are going through it now.  Faith is likely the most important key to opening the healing energy within us and perception is even more important.  How we perceive illness is gong to determine our degree of healing.  This short blog is going to be focused on what is sometimes referred to as a "health opportunity.

I think that the journey to healing has a lot to do with how we see illness and I want to invite all of you to look at illness from a bit of a different perspective and as a health opportunity rather than just a health problem.  A health problem is one that we perceive as something we will solve and once we do that is that.  We can then move on with our life and hopefully we will be healed and cured.   A health opportunity is different and this perception asks us to look underneath the surface and hear the message that we are receiving when we become ill.  A health opportunity is when we see illness as a chance to change, a chance to operate at a deeper level, a chance to review our faith and a chance to do things differently.  If I were to define a "health opportunity" I would say: it is a message and an invitation from our body and our spirit to change something in our life and to learn something new.

We all have the inclination to view illness as the darkest and most critical part of our life, especially when it is serious.  We often times have the perception that we are damaged and that we will either be disposed of our want to dispose of ourselves, viewing it as if we are damaged and unworthy.  We also see serious illness as a punishment or we slowly move into behaviors that are self-penalizing.  Many times we allow it to take us to the darkest  places in our minds and souls, sometimes leading to depression and isolation.  For some of us it translates into a state of giving up and simply laying down and waiting to leave the earth.  We become stagnant and unwilling to participate in the pleasures of life.  In reality this is likely the worse thing we can do and is likely a sure way to go faster and in more anquish.

If I were to give anyone some advice I would say that giving illness power takes your heath opportunity away and a chance to learn is killed off.  If you allow your health opportunity to be secondary to your chance to live a fuller life you will not only not learn something of importance you will miss the message completely.  Don't allow your health issue to dictate every moment of your life by not allowing yourself to enjoy the time that you have.  Use the health issue as chance to become more whole, connect with the ones you love and take better care of your body, mind and spirit.  Use this time to do the very best you can do to live life even more fully than before.  Use this time to find all that brings you joy and participate more in that place of joy.  Allow your health challenge to teach you to eat healthier and live emotionally and spiritually whole.  Begin a practice in your life of prayer, meditation, exercise and dance.  Do everytthing in a different manner and do your best to live life more generously.

How we perceive our health is the sum total of how we will live through it and with whatever  health challenge we have.  We must remember that each day is a new one and a chance to do something differently.  We must continue to remember that we have been given a new day in order to learn something not in order to feel badly or remain focused on the darkness.  We must remember to check in instead of checking out and that now it is more important to be present for ourselves than ever before.  Call your friends and family, make dates with your partner and more importantly keep on living because as long as you are breathing there is a purpose in your life.
Coach Elliot


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