
Just the other day I posted a beautiful picture and under it I shared: "We can dream, as long as we are alive".  

What I think is that every one of you already know this.  The only difference for me is that we don't think about it, we don't set an intention to dream and we simply don't believe it.  We all know that we can dream and we all know logically that the reason we can continue to dream is linked to the fact that we are alive, yet for many of us we might as well be dead because we have lost our ability to dream, even our zest.

Our dreams can be more accurately described as the things we want to happen more in our lives.  Our dreams are those things that bring us joy and prosperity.  We must know take note of what our dreams are before we can see them come true, but that is just the beginning.  After thinking about your dreams you have to devise a plan and not give up on that plan.  The reason that other people seem to make their dreams come true is because they are smarter right?  Wrong!  In fact it is only one of the many excuses we use to let go of our dreams and convince ourselves that we will never have a dream.    Let go of the excuses and make sure you know what your dreams are made of, consist of and are.

People can steal our dreams.  We often times think that when we share our dreams it will make it happen and the people we tell will help us achieve them.  Most of the time this is the very furthest thing from the truth, because other people don't make our dreams come to fruition.  It may be a better idea not to share your dreams with others because when we do it does not normally result in any additional motivation to make it happen.   We are better off convincing ourselves that our dream will manifest on our own steam.  People don't make your dreams come true.

Dreaming cost nothing.  I guess you all know that.  I did not pay to have my dream of being a dad come true nor did I pay anything to have a life of almost 60 years of mostly joy.  I did not pay to have healthy children and I did not pay to feel the joy of dancing.  Many dreams are free.  The dream of serenity comes from meditation.  The dream of abundance comes from loving and being loved.  The dream of silence comes from being willing to be comfortable in silence and creating the venue for it.
The next time you decide that dreams are too expensive please think about it a little longer.

Some of us feel like our dreams require money.  I would like to say that this can be true of course but even then people with lots of money don't receive their dreams as if money were a magic ingredient.  We must remember that it is not primarily the money that results in what we want but rather our willingness to work at it and our ability to dream and believe.  Money helps and sometimes it helps a lot.  Obviously if your dream is to have a beautiful shiny Mercedes you will likely have to come up with the money.  If you want a new home you must have the money to pay for it and to pay a mortgage.  What we must understand that even when we have the money there is more than just money required to keep the dream alive.

So keep dreaming as long as you are breathing because in simple terms unless you are dead you can still dream and dream big.  This is also a clear message that your dream does not have to be shelved or put aside.  You will make your dreams reality by finding ways to feel the joy of living because the reason that you let your dream die is because of your sadness or your inability to find the joy.  The more you meditate and pray


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