Everything has Meaning

Everything we do and say has meaning.  I believe that it is important to know this because many times we forget that what we say and what we do is meaningful at some level.  I would go so far as to say that we should not dismiss anything we say or do because by dismissing it we say that it is meaningless and by dismissing it we give ourselves permission to minimize our life.  Nothing about our life is meaningless, everything about our life is meaningful.

If it is true that our life has meaning then it is true that the things we do also have meaning.  If we believe that our life has meaning then we must know that what we say is meaningful, even the things that we regret saying.  For when we say things that are unkind those words have meaning and they also have a form of power.  This is why we should take care in  what we say to the best of our ability. We must also be kind enough to forgive ourselves for the things we do and say that are not necessarily things we are proud of.  Yet even those things we do and say have some meaning and are things we said and did that affected our lives and that in spite of it all they have meaning.

I remind myself today and I have reminded myself before that what I say has meaning and that what I say also has impact, whether they are words that are negative or positive, or they are words that are said with anger or love.  The fact remains that my words have meaning, even when they are as simple as the words, good morning or the word hello.  This is good reason for all of us to mind our words and be aware of their impact on others and on ourselves.  We may all want to use words that are loving and kind all the time.  This is a great goal and it is no wonder why loving words inspire and honour others and how great it is when we are on the receiving end of those positive words.  A simple I love you can make someone feel important and witnessed by someone who loves them and expresses it.  A simple I hate you can devastate someone and stick with them from childhood on.

I remind all of you and myself that what you do has meaning, perhaps even more meaning than what you say for what we do really speaks loudly and tells others what we represent.  The things that we do will create our karma in life and when we do things that are unkind we will eventually come back to us.  I have to believe this and I do believe this based on my own experiences in my life.  As the things that I have done in my life of good has had a meaningful impact on myself and at times on others.  I could be as simple as a hug or an embrace.  It could be as simple as running to the store to pick up some fruit for a person who is at home ill.  It can be helping an elderly person onto or off the bus or across the street.  It all has meaning, all of it!

I want to encourage each of you to take a note of what you do and say and to note that everything you do and say has meaning.  I want to leave you all with the idea that nothing in your life is meaningless because that would mean that your life is meaningless.  We know this is not true of any ones life and that certainly your life, what you do and say, has meaning.  You are empowered to curtail the words that you know will hurt a little boy or girl, perhaps a son or a daughter.  You are empowered to bring forth the words that will inspire a child, a friend or a person in need and use them often.  Everything you say has meaning and everything you do has even more meaning.
Coach Elliott


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