Perhaps because I have only been in love once I should not have an opinion about love. Still I see love so many times as some illusion, some stuff people make up, even in bad situations. We often times make love into something that fits in our own imagination as love and if it is not really love we make it seem like it it by lying about it and fantasizing about what it is not. Love is often an illusion and for some so elusive that it is a serious problem. The woman whose husband bullies her and says sarcastic things about her wants to believe that her husband loves her and that he is just not well, poor thing. She makes excuses for him and for his bad behavior. There are many people in what is an illusion of a partnership when in fact they are not in one. On the contrary they are in peril. They believe they will somehow resolve the issues that will always be present in their relationship and the truth is that it is not going to get any better....
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