Who I Am

Coach Elliott : November 2012

I have been thinking about sharing a little about myself and the purpose of my BLOG with all of  all of you, after a friend who read my BLOG encouraged me to do so. Tonight I have decided to open myself up to doing that. 
My name is Elliott and I have been doing the work of a life coach and mentor since 2008.  I earned my Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica in California.  This intensive course of study was one that came to me when I realized that I needed to do my own self-loving work after many years of dysfunctional relationships and an acute realization that I wanted to be a  better version of who I was.  There was one key incident in my life that unveiled the need for me to look at myself and consider what needed to be transformed.  It became clear to me when one side of my face was paralyzed and I had to ask myself what needed to be healed and given an application of love as well as what was not in alignment.  This physical state forced me to look for ways in which my heart would be attended to and how I would honor creation.  It was not too long after this that I found out about USM through a dear friend of mine who was in her second year.  This study required students to look at their life while learning ways to heal themselves and techniques to help others look inside.  For most of us it was a painful and joyful process but in the end most of us, including myself, came out the other end a more whole person prepared to be of service to others.  It may sound quite common to say that I have been called to do this work but that is exactly how I feel.  It was like the work found me and every other part fell into place.  I no longer ask myself what my main purpose is because spirit responded and it is clear that it is the work that I am doing that serves others.  Today I am honored every time one of my clients shares how meaningful co-creating coaching has been for them and how much they have learned about themselves.  What I know is that all I have to do is as Iyanla Vanzant (author, life coach and USM graduate) would say, "tell the truth".  Sometimes it is as simple as telling yourself the truth, telling others the  truth and helping others find their truth.   My invitation to all of you is to write the truth of who you really are, expressing it in a way that honors you and applies love to your heart center.  My truth is that I am a divine child of spirit with the ability to be in my joy.  My truth is that I am here to do my work and assist others in doing their work.  My truth is that my heart yearns for love and that I am worthy of love.  My truth is that I am a beautiful person, a good father, a loving partner and a compassionate man.  What is the truth of who you are?    


  1. Great post Elliot,
    my truth is that I am here to serve. I love to see people happy and I love to assist them. Part of being a servant means humbling yourself and being selfless and allowing God to use you for his purpose. It's not easy but it is a daily battle because you have to die to serving yourself and embracing others.


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