My Mission 11/26/13

It was a much warmer day today.  I assisted in the food prep class, taught the exercise class and then ushered for the Yoga class. I am feeling like I am doing my best to serve others while at the same time making myself a priority and frankly it is not an easy task when one is detoxing and healing.  Still I keep telling myself that I will do my best and that can do this with some grace.  Tomorrow I have to get up early to assist again in the food class where the teacher is excellent at what he does and I find it to be interesting and useful.

My health opportunity and my own healing has to be the first thing that I need to become more focused on each day, making sure that I have drank my wheat grass, eaten some avocado to keep my weight on and drank enough water.  It is like juggling balls in the air for me still but I am getting more accustomed to it. All that I know is that I have to do it and that my life depends on it.  This program puts me in a position of doing all that I can to heal myself and to see to it that I am doing enough to balance the service with self-work and self-nurturing.

Today I attended a class called "Elimination" and once again was stunned at the complexity of our bodies.  We put so many things on our skin and ingest so many things that are toxic it is absolutely crazy.  Every lotion with ingredients that we cannot pronounce goes on our skin and all that gets into our whole system.  Then we wonder why we get ill so often and our skin is so damaged.  To add insult to injury we eat animals that have been standing in their own feces for months and ingest that poison into our bodies as well, because no matter how much the government says that meat is clean nothing could completely eliminate that feces from the meat we eat.  We are literally eating shit, forgive my grammar.  But we rarely see that side of the preparation that goes on behind closed doors and people who are selling us the meat are laughing all the way to the bank, never mind that it caused cancer in a child or young mother.  I guess now more than ever it angers me that we are not being respected and loved enough as a society to be given the information that we need to make a healthier choice for ourselves and our children.  We might as well be feeding our kids poison every time we feed them sugar which promotes and causes cancer and other horrible diseases.

As I lay here applying wheat grass pulp to my health opportunity I have to say I feel a bit of anger around how we are fed so much false information and how so much of the truth about food is kept  from us.  The food industry and the government lying to us all the time.  We are eating meat by the pounds because the agencies that work for our government have made us believe that we must have that contaminated meat to be healthy when there are many other sources of protein that are much more healthy and not dangerous for us.

I wish that my journey had not happened to me.  I wish I were not in the position I put myself in but I am grateful in part.  I am here because I did not learn the lessons that were brought forward for me several years ago.  Still there is a  part of me that understands that I had to get the health opportunity to get an opportunity to heal in every part of my life: mind, body and soul.

I want to ask each of you to consider this  plight of self-respect and the bigger picture having nothing do with just my path but your own.  It is like I have said before to my loved ones.  Make it about you.  For the next 12 weeks that I am here I am going to make it about me.  Blessings to all.


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