Thanksgiving Missionary Experience

If I had been asked how I would be spending my Thanksgiving my response would not have been that I would be a the Optimum Health Institute doing missionary work.  I guess life really is filled with little and sometimes not so small surprises because here I am.  Not only am I here now I am going to be here for the next three months through mid February.

Yesterday I received what  friend referred to as a care package.  She and I had talked beforehand and she'd shared this fact.  So I get this package and I open it pulling out about four or five magazines.  Inside the box another box with a sweater, an orange thermal long sleeve T and  beautiful warm wool scarf.  Suddenly emotion hit me in every direction and I began to cry, then sob and finally I could not control it anymore until I was waling loudly and found myself on my knees crying over the bed in front of me.  At that moment I realised that this was more than just about receiving a care package or a gift from someone I love but rather about years of pent up tears.  This act of kindness on her part opened my heart and brought forward years and years of feelings.  I felt like I had been thrown back to my childhood and had become a little boy.  That little boy needed to receive something from someone and he had finally received the gitt.  It moved me in such a way as to know that there is a lot of healing that needs to happen for me here at O.H.I. associated with the mission work that I am doing but more importantly the work that needs do happen for Elliott, the injured little boy who survived the abuse and can no longer feel himself unworthy.  I don't know what it all means really and I am not going to try to understand all of why I cried with such passion but I will say that the message is that I need to dig deeper.

What makes us believe that we are worthy and what is it that leads us to think we are not worthy?  What is it about our inner child that needs healing?  The fact is that we must retrieve that little boy or girl to help them heal and that is exactly what happened to me in that spontaneous moment.  I was tossed back to my childhood and a time when I needed my own sources of love to love me and to take care of me.  I know that I am here doing this work on myself because it is not the health that needs to be  healed it is my  spirit that needs to be healed first.  None of you nor I will heal from any health issue if we don't look at the source of the illness, which is the spiritual and the emotional hurt that needs to be healed first.  Every thought I have that is of light and healing makes it possible for me to be clear of the health challenges.  Every time I sob, every time we sob we are healing inside all the parts that are damaged from the emotional needs and deficits.  Cry my beloveds, sob, fall to your knees and know that in this way you will be healed.


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