The Mission Continues

Today I was thinking about how God don't want to hear me ranting and complaining all the time.  I get tired of my own complaining never mind God.  Today I worked four hours straight and for a person detoxing and trying to heal that feels like twelve.  I have to get back in the swing of life or swing anyway.  I am trying to get to the place where this becomes a little more graceful for me but I admit, I am sure not freaking there yet.  I would use the real F bomb but I am trying to censor myself but when I look back on this experience and I tell it forward I am going to use a lot of profanity just so you all know.  I look forward to that day in my life.

Most of the people who work here have cured themselves of some serious illnesses like cancer and today I heard one of them tell her story to guests that were here for the first time.  I had to stand there for a moment and catch my breath because here was a woman who looks incredible that at one time battled with one of the worse cases of cancer.  Not only did she win the fight but she looks to be one of the happiest people I have ever encountered before.  She now dedicates her life to helping others become a healthier person.

Today I greeted new guests.  It was nice to see the variation of ages that come here.  One woman seemed anxious and repeated stated that she was "open and ready".  I had to believe her after the tenth time.  She needed me to know that she was ready but more importantly she needed to remind herself that she was and she was wanting for validation.  I realised that this is exactly what we all need, validation and so each time she said it I validated it with a yes or some other form of letting her know I heard her.  At the core of each of us is this longing to be validated just like this woman and if we just ask for it there will be those times when we receive it and it never hurts to ask.

I am still unsure of what the scope and depth of my experience here will be but that one woman's need and my response to it seems to be at the center of why I am here.  I am here to serve.  I am here
to give.  I am here to witness.  I am here to heal.  I am not here to rant or complain.


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