Four Ways To Happiness and Wholeness

I like to think I have done some good in the world.  Even before I decided to get a second Master's degree in Spiritual Psychology I had this yearning to help others.  I think that for most of my life I made other people's healing more of a priority than my own happiness.  In spite of the fact that I was struggling I had this divine desire to be of service to mankind and womenkind.  I can honestly say that placing the focus on others will not result in your own joy and completeness although the latter seems to evade me more often than not.  What is complete, when are we complete anyway?  Could it be that what we really need is to live the most joyous life we can here and now, making the most of every single moment?  I think yes and let me share why:


1. While you are here you might as well make the most of it.

2. Either way, looking back is fatal, never mind wasteful.

3. You can't look to other's opinions of you to feel good.

4. Taking the time for you is sacred and needed.

While you are here make the very best of it.  Don't waste to much time thinking and trying to figure out people and things.  While you are alive press the envelope and jump out if the box,  By making the best of it I mean do all that you can to live your life like you mean it!  Like it means something.

Looking back holds you in a trap.  Let go of the past bad or good, especially the sad and not so happy parts of it.  Every time you let go you allow yourself permission to go forward and to be in a space of living in the now and feeling it now.  Don't look back because in the long run you and I both know you are wasting valuable time.

If you depend on what others think of you to feel valued or to feel validated forget it and forget about it now.  People will have some crazy opinions of you that are not aligned with love.  Let what others think of you be "none of your business".  More and more make sure to let others know that what they think of you is not something you need to hear, especially if it's negative.

Joy comes from taking time each day to hold yourself sacred and important enough to be silent and in reverence.  This is a place and time that is sacred and a time you take for yourself each and every day.  Don't run and run without taking time out because it is those people who check out that are not tuned in.  Make it a point to clear your head and to feel tuned in to the universe.  Being busy is just another way of running away from the truth of who we are, how we feel and what is really important.

A joyful life is lived by staying tuned in, knowing who you are, living every moment and not looking back and replaying those old stories.  It may seem difficult to find our authentic happiness but frankly it is elementary once you understand that what matters is that you are here and that you are alive for good reason.  Although I did not mention it other people are important as well, but keep in mind that you are the most important person.  Nourish yourself, be nice to yourself, don't get sucked into any addictions and above all stay open hearted.


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