What Are Your Fears?

By pointing out what your fears are or may be you create an energy of healing and of knowing that fear is really not in our natural nature as human beings.  In fact we were not born with fear but rather born in love and trust.  Even as a child we trusted people that may not have even deserved it.  Yet trusting is part of the healing process because fear is based on distrust and the illusion that there is something there stopping us that does not exist but that we actually made up.  With all that said let's take a look at the faces of fear:

The Face of Distrust:
When fear appears in as a face of distrust we not only distrust others but we don't trust in our own abilities nor do we trust in God/Goddess/Buddha/Our Inner Guides.  We live from day to day questioning others motives and showing a side of us that is not our genuine self but rather a mask we wear.  When we don't trust we live a life of anguish and pain, one that eventually stops us from connecting with others and with God.

The Face of Insecurity:
It is easy to be insecure because many of the messages around us are ones of not being good enough, needing to be taller, skinnier, better looking or younger.  We are bombarded by these false images of what we should be like, act like, have in material possessions and it all adds up to our not being good enough.  In fact insecurity is created by the fear that we just don't add up and we are just not good enough or at the very least we could be way prettier and way smarter.

The Face of Good Enough:
This face is related to the insecurity face and comes from the time we were very young and could not ever quite please our parents, teachers and others in authority who have no business being in that powerful position.  Some of us grow up with parents who are constantly angry and feeling inadequate who in turn put that energy back on us.  Even adults are seeking help for that syndrome that I call "parental emotional incest", when parents make spouses of their children and expect them to take on a partner role in the absence of a partner.  The fear of not being good enough is one that is one of the most serious illusions we can feel as spiritual humans and there is no faster way to kill our spirit.

The Face of Illusions and Magic:
We often times fall fro this idea that something magical should be happening to us and although that is a wonderful thought we take it to the degree that is unrealistic and based on something we believe will fix us.  If only we could have a magical experience we would be healed of fear or if only life were more magical we would be healed.  The reality is that although life can be magical it is really more about doing the real things in life that lift us and make life a more glorious and fearless experience.  Magical experiences will happen as a result of our letting go of the illusion of what magic is because it is surely not pulling a rabbit out of a hat but more like knowing we deserve to have a magical life based on our actions.

The Face of Rejection:
No one likes rejection.  In fact we fear rejection, especially from someone we love.  For many of us, we will do anything to not be rejected or left by someone we love.  Yet rejection is a part of endings and endings are a part of life.  People often times say they love us when in fact they are using us.  People leave us behind just when we need them the most out of fear and out of complete disregard for the sanctity of marriage.  The face of rejection must be met with courage and with a knowing that it is going to be painful but that it's a natural experienced we will all have throughout our lives.  Staying in a delusion as some of us do about everyone liking us because we are so wonderful and perfect is just a way for us to deny that we may need to do some self work.  Lazy people believe that everyone who does not like them has a problem.  That is what their mommy told them and believe me that is not the reality in life.

How does fear appear in your life.  If you put a face on it what would that face be?  Is it the face of delusion, rejection, insecurity or the belief that you are not good enough?  Sit down and write down your fears and then what feeling brings up and  represents that fear.  Talk to someone you love about your fears or share it with your therapist or coach.  When you face those fears put a face on it eventually it will lose it's power over you.  You can take that to the bank.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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