Harmful Intentions

For those of you who have been bullied, been harassed, been mocked or been harmed by someone this blog is for you.  After a few years of my own emotional recovery from a group of bullies and their bullying behaviors I now know that "god intended it all for my good".  This quote from Genesis says it all:

"You intended to harm me, but GOD intended it all for good". 

We will all go through some difficult periods in our life and many times it comes with people who are haters and who will act as though they are "good people" or a "leave it to Beaver family" when in fact they are the most damaging types.  These folks are dangerous because many of them believe their own lies and justify their horrific behavior because they just know they are right and here to make you wrong.  These folks spend a lot of time displacing their own insecurity and self-loathing onto you.  Many of them go unnoticed because their disguise is so perfect and they have been practicing hate for so long.  It is not easy to distinguish between these fakes and the real thing but most times they will show you who they really are if you just pay attention.  These folks mean to harm and are intentional in their ill manners and their righteousness.  They sometimes believe whole heartedly that what they are doing is meaningful because after all they are here to make the world a more right place.  Notice I did not say better place.  Haters are everywhere and unfortunately our tolerance is much to high for them when in reality we need to hurry and shut them down.

People who have harmful intentions will appear to us in our lifetime on many occasions until we learn to not attract them.  The truth about haters is that our own self-loathing and insecurities is what invites these assholes in.  We don't think enough of our selves not to allow them any time or space in our energy field.  We who have been abused before find some sort of comfort and familiarity in people who are asses and abusive.  Once we bring them into our energy field it's hard to get rid of them because they will convince us that we are the issue and not them.  Abusers have practice in turning the tables on the people they harm and abused souls buy into it.  It becomes a circle of abuse and what looks like love or acceptance that is in reality hate and jealousy.  People who intend to harm select their prey very carefully and target vulnerable people.  There is really no compassion in them and hence they enjoy it.  It is like a game.

What we need to figure out is our own self-view.  Do we see our self as good and worthy or unworthy and damaged?  Do we love who we are or loath that person that we think our self to be?  Why do we let assholes into our life?  What is it about us that attracts these creeps?  The answer is simple.  We truly do not find ourselves worthy of anything more.  We believe that the first person who comes our way and accepts us is the only one who will and that if we don't go along with him or her we will be doomed to loneliness.  In reality we are simply playing our old story based on what we were made to believe.  IF we were abused then we become OK with it.  The thing that needs to happen is for us to see our worth and to stand up to the bullies in our life for good and forever.  We must know when to keep walking at the first sign of disrespect and bigotry.  We must know our worth.

We may never be rid of abusive, vulgar, manipulative and angry assholes but we can check in with our self and begin to heal our own spirit so that we don't attract these foolish people into our life.  Beginning to do the self work needed to heal yourself will be helpful in curing you from being in hte midst of mean people who are fake and will never serve your highest vibration.  Knowing that God has a plan for us that is filled with joy and self-love will lift us away, far away, from people like that.  Love yourself beloved and you will see that the haters will no longer have a space in your life, your home or in your being.
Dedicated to the Titlers.  My abusers.


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